Brown and orange spots(Gsc first grow)


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The Ppm was 850.
If that's the PPM out of the faucet, that's too high to grow in soil. (I have similar tap water and know from experience.). I can't speak for hydro, but I think it's typical for hydro growers to use RO water and add back Ca and Mg through a "calmag" product or calcium nitrate and epsom salt. I mix my tap with RO to get 150ppm starting.


If that's the PPM out of the faucet, that's too high to grow in soil. (I have similar tap water and know from experience.). I can't speak for hydro, but I think it's typical for hydro growers to use RO water and add back Ca and Mg through a "calmag" product or calcium nitrate and epsom salt. I mix my tap with RO to get 150ppm starting.
Ohh no I meant after adding nutes. Tap water in my area is really clean. Probably around 70ppm I believe maybe not but I know it's below 150


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Well-Known Member
2 days ago my roots were bright white until those spots appeared
Sorry to see that it turned out to be a root problem. Im sure you could get away with running much lower ppms than 850 at such a small size. Id say where theyre at now, mid five hundreds is plenty for next time. Might help to keep them more on the healthy side. I hope you can find a tea to fix that up for ya. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
the line up i use but need to use ro water
you need the tea complete
or make it
i use 5 gal buckets not RDWC
Works what i use hooks to sink takes about hour for 5 gal

good luck found whats wrong it's the roots and tap water just my 2 cent
Nice save.


Well-Known Member
Scope the underside of your leaves for pests. (Minimum 60x magnification) The roots are probably just stained from the nutrients. Nothing wrong with the roots or you would be able to smell it and the roots would be jelly. It looks like your plants are being eaten alive by spider mites or rust mites....


Thanks for all the responses. I think roots are stained as well. Don't think it is spider mites as The white rubs off very easily as I said in an earlier comment that I sprayed a mixture of water and small amount of baking soda. Unsure whether to add more nutes as the orange dots are still spreading and growth has come to a stop. Plants still drooping


Scope the underside of your leaves for pests. (Minimum 60x magnification) The roots are probably just stained from the nutrients. Nothing wrong with the roots or you would be able to smell it and the roots would be jelly. It looks like your plants are being eaten alive by spider mites or rust mites....
Possibly rust mites, they won't rub off though it's getting frustrating because I'm still unsure what to do about it


Should I just give up on this grow? Was hoping my first grow wouldn't be a failure. It's spreading real fast.


Anybody have experience with this. Desperate for help. It's not spider mites. It seen some fruit flies around for some reason. Bought a trap yesterday.



Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats? Do they affect hydro? They lay eggs in soil and the larvae eat roots and, if severe, symptoms look like root rot.

Do you have thrips? (google for images). Spinosad every 2-3 days for two weeks (you have to catch their entire lifecycle).


I can't find any bugs on the plant iv looked on the back side of the leaves too. Roots are fine it's only staining from the nutes. It's spreading so fast. Three more leaves just got effected between yesterday and today. Very odd. The colour ranges from brownish to orange. Plants very droopy still. Sprayed with baking soda and water didn't help at all. Drained the old water and put new with new nutes at a lower dosage. Problem still hasn't changed. I feel if I don't get it fixed by tomorrow they will be garbage


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry I can't help. I've never done hydro. It looks like Ca def.

I just saw your next post. I was going to ask if you were considering that. It seems to me soil would be easier (being what happens in nature). Once you have some basics (reading the plant), you could do hydro if there was a reason to.

I can see how hydro could be a time-saver, especially for larger grows (lets the grower treat all the plants as one plant, a "economy of scale."). But, for 1-2 plants, I don't understand the reasons. There must be reasons or so many wouldn't do it. I've never explored it, so I don't know.

(PS: Thrips fly too.).


No problem I appreciate you taking the time to help, do you think it's possible to clone off these plants if I find a leave with no spots?


Hey now that I think of it! They might be fungas gnats! Do they make leaves go orange like that?