Bright green leaf tips from newer growth, any ideas???


They are in veg for few weeks. It only appears on one plant, it started before about a week ago on one top. So i tought it might be light/heat stress. I have 400w mh/cooltube, had it 30cm from tops or even closer, so i started to move the light up, but it didn't help.. It spreaded to more tops now. I didn't use any nutes, as soil is supposed to have enough for some time, so i just add nutes in flowering.. It also has planty of airflow and air movement in room.. I also recently fixed room temps, as i saw minimum as low as 15 degress celsius at night(17 at walls) and had 27 degress at lights on, but only for few days. Tought it might be a problem, but now night temps are around 17 and day temps around 24.. I think this bright green tips are starting to yellow.... Any help would be great.


Well-Known Member
My pineapple express has done this on me. It was starting to get low on nitrogen. As soon as i feed it the next morning everything greened up. Hope this helps.


Thanks man, i can give it a try with adding a bit of fertilizer in next watering for that perticular plant and i'll see if things get better.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man, i can give it a try with adding a bit of fertilizer in next watering for that perticular plant and i'll see if things get better.
Make sure your ferts have N as a component though, we've had a few who said 'I'll add a bit of the nutes' and they hit it with everything but a decent N shot that was needed. Decent is not meant to imply any big number... 23-0-0 or 46-0-0 are way overkill for the light mod you need to do, as an aside.


thank for warning, i know i used one that is 7-4-6 i think..N is 7 and highest for sure ;-) I added 50% of dose stated on nutes for first time.. Hope it will help, i noticed the problem showing up on second plant too..


Well-Known Member
thank for warning, i know i used one that is 7-4-6 i think..N is 7 and highest for sure ;-) I added 50% of dose stated on nutes for first time.. Hope it will help, i noticed the problem showing up on second plant too..
Sounds good, give it a few and see how she reacts.. should be just fine for the time being and you can continue on with the grow :D