Boy, girl, or too early to tell?


New Member
Hi everyone, neew to the site & I've been flowering for about 4 days now. I know it might be too early, but does anybody think they could identify the sex yet? Gunna add pics as soon as I figure out how to do it on the mobile site lol.


Well-Known Member
...first, they aren't sexually mature yet and you can tell they aren't by looking at the nodes, until you see alternating nodes the plant isn't sexually mature.'s a couple crappy pics to illustrate what i mean., not being sexually mature doesn't mean they won't flower 'cause they will but it does mean that it will take longer before you see signs of sex, which btw should take about 2 weeks, not 1 week.

...and here is a shot that shows the difference in the sex's during early flower.

good luck, bozo