Bored + Baked idea's?


Well-Known Member
Any one got ideas to do when your baked at home kinda thing? Obviously you got movies, eating, but anyone got any cool idea's?


Well-Known Member
i was thinking about converting a couple old speakers i have into micrphones......

apparently it can be done. and with relative ease

ive been researching it and asking around last couple weeks. could be cool as shit if it works and i dont start an electrical fire Ha!


Active Member
Go play outside. Get your pitching wedge and a dozen golf balls and go out to the back yard and practice hitting them into a 5 gallon bucket. It helps to have 2 buckets, 1 at each end of the yard to save walking over to pick up all of the balls or walking the bucket to the other side of the yard. You can kill a couple of hours in no time.


Well-Known Member
Smoke Bombs by the Jolly Roger

Here is the recipe for one helluva smoke bomb!
4 parts sugar
6 parts potassium nitrate (Salt Peter)
Heat this mixture over a LOW flame until it melts, stirring well.
Pour it into a future container and, before it solidifies, imbed a
few matches into the mixture to use as fuses. One pound of this
stuff will fill up a whole block with thick, white smoke!


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
go hike a mountain and smoke a joint at the top

very satisfying

That or enjoy your favorite hobby ;)