Blue Cheese 3 weeks flower, how they lookin?


Active Member
Hey fellow RIU`ers, well this is my first grow, i did start a journal but didnt really take off so im just going to post the odd update here instead, any ways...

The grow so far...

400w mh for veg and 400w hps for flowering,

Canna vega for veg
Canna Flores and AN big bud for flowering (all built up to recomended dose)

water Ph`d to 6.5 every time.

So i have vegged these for 4 weeks and now is the 3rd week of flower, so good to see some bud forming at last! lol

Only issue so far really is a slight nute burn on the tips of the leaves, this has virtually gone now though so thats all good.

So guys any input on how they are looking or anything i could be doing better? or any questions... feel free to fire away!

Thanks for looking. :bigjoint:



Active Member
Thanks guys, thought they looked good but its always nice to hear! Lol No idea what sorta yeild to expect but anything will be good for my first go. Off to smoke a nice joint now. Thanks again. Peace