black hairs (pistols) on plant?


Well-Known Member
ok this is my special strain i got frm the most kickass bud iv ever hadd it was dark but not as dark as this is its now at 1 week flowering and it looks like honest to god uv burn but its not its still growing great and not crispy like uv burn (had uv burn before due to blacklight during flowering ) anyway isue is i dont think it should be jet black
am i worring about nothing you think? ill get a ppic soon as can
hairs are jet black and sparkly buts it to early for this as well
its a local strain called early special ( not the other early special on seed sites ) just same name lol i have no idea what the genes are but i am really tweaking could this be a nute problem or somthing?
(this looks nothing like the bud it came from) :/
its not mold i checked
it has a sweet almost fruit (tangarin) aroma coming off it


Well-Known Member
I've only seen black pistils in the cannabibe. Maybe it's a genetic thing IDK. Got any pics?
not at moment iv only got a 10 mp cam and it keeps bluring the shot gonna borrow my freinds tommarow to get a clear shot in the cannabible what does it say about do you remeber? been a long time ince iv read into it

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
Just that it was creepy-which it was like smoking pubes LOL It was called black widow but whether it is MrNice BW or just named that is anyone's guess. I wanna see those pics for sure.


Well-Known Member
Just that it was creepy-which it was like smoking pubes LOL It was called black widow but whether it is MrNice BW or just named that is anyone's guess. I wanna see those pics for sure.
it was takin on my cell it qwas topped off and been trimmed do to its taking up almost half my grow box total i know its a sucky shot but its the best i can do right now its at the very end and ha them starting all over the plant i am not fucking thrilled this going to be reveged cloned and put in my personal stash lolblack weed.jpg