I hope your wrong and the Dem's don't fuck this opportunity up like last time, but with Bernie sticking his Independent ass into the mix (Why do the Dem's allow that delusional dinosaur to run on the Democratic ticket?) who knows what the fuck will happen.
that's why i don't take it for granted that the American people will wake up and kick stupid fucking trump to the curb (which is too nice for him)...democrats can be intelligent, but they seem to have a few fatal flaws...(don't worry, republicans have more...) many of them seem to assume that everyone agrees with them...that people will "see the light" once exposed to it...they don't understand that the average trump supporter has eyes so full of shit (from having their heads alternately up their own ass, and buried between trumps cheeks, kissing his ass) that the light doesn't have a chance...they also don't seem to understand that there are people who feel differently than they do...and they usually don't seem very tolerant of those people once they are forced to admit they exist...(again, pretty much a mirror image to republicans...a comparison neither side cares for...) many democrats are very condescending, mansplaining everything to everyone in a manner that seems designed to get them smacked, then ignored, if not out right defied, just on general principles...
all of this isn't going to help sway any trump supporters away from trump...and if that isn't the goal, why fucking bother?
the Dems have to get behind one decent candidate...one with very little baggage, because trump specializes in busting baggage open and dragging it through the dirt, if he can. a candidate that has a reasonable, possibly attainable set of goals, that are designed to help the country. a candidate that commits to fixing the damage done by trump, that works at repairing international relations, international trade, re-establishing America as a world player, not a country of fools led by a fucking mad man...
i'm not sure trump will have to work that hard to get reelected, the dems may just do it for him, if they aren't careful...