There arer too many variables to make a blanket statement about what is the "best fertilizer." Have you taken a soil test? It may be that the soil is very good from the outset and only requires minimal amendments. If the pH is good and, the naturally occuring nutrients are already present and available to the plants it could be that it needs nothing but water and sunlight for good growth. The abitrary application of fertilizers by growers on this site (both synthetic and "organic") amazes me. and the arguements are endless regading which is superior. Many feel that because a substance is man-made it cannot be as good as a naturally occuring nutrient while others swing wildly to the other side of the polarity. Both are incorrect.
To the plant, it makes no difference how a given macro-nutrient (Nitrogen,Phosohorous or Potassium) arrived in the soil as long as it is available in sufficient quantities for vigorous growth and developement. Oftentimes the plant will tell you what it needs by showing chlorotic and/or necrotic symptoms but this can be prevented by taking a simple soil test to your local county extension agent (or Canadian equivalent) for analysis. Soil tests can be as basic or extravagant as you like depending on the lab and the money you are willing to spend to have it assayed. Here is a link of just 7 labs that can do this for you. There are hundreds more.