
Aquilegia chrysantha, Golden Columbine


Sure looks like these but I planted no seeds in that bed. Asked the wife about it too and she remembers the same as I do.
Puzzled animated emoticon

Columbine flowers are most successful when they are grown in zones 4-8, and they are very inviting to butterflies and hummingbirds, as well as being resistant to rabbits and deer. You are likely to find them growing all over the United States but they are notorious for interbreeding, which often produces some pretty interesting flowers.

Yes. I'm planting flowers to attract hummingbirds.

The honeysuckle is starting to bloom. I have about 35 ft of chain link fence to cover.
Honeysuckle for Hummingbirds. Planting instructions.

The Purple Hyacinth Bean will help too but it is not ready to bloom yet.
Hummingbird Special - Birds in the Yard

Columbine flowers are most successful when they are grown in zones 4-8, and they are very inviting to butterflies and hummingbirds, as well as being resistant to rabbits and deer. You are likely to find them growing all over the United States but they are notorious for interbreeding, which often produces some pretty interesting flowers.

Yes. I'm planting flowers to attract hummingbirds.

The honeysuckle is starting to bloom. I have about 35 ft of chain link fence to cover.
Honeysuckle for Hummingbirds. Planting instructions.

The Purple Hyacinth Bean will help too but it is not ready to bloom yet.
Hummingbird Special - Birds in the Yard
I love the hummers, I have 3 feeders. Get some of these if you have a place for them. They will freeze out if it stays cold though. Bottle Brush is their favorite also, if it will grow where you are.
"they are notorious for interbreeding, which often produces some pretty interesting flowers."
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As long as the birds and butterflies don't care I'll be ok with them.

These being yellow I'll need to get some other colors.
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Damn. Im bummed now. Was hoping to have some seeds on my columbine and just went out to find this.
Something hase eaten all the seed pods. I suspect chipmunks. I swear they were there yesterday.
A very nice find. Thanks.

Fairy Tale Tunnel of Love Found in Klevan Ukraine

Fairy Tale Tunnel of Love Found in Klevan Ukraine

Written By: Zach Souza

This fairy tale tunnel tucked in between twisted trees surely breathes the breath of romance, one you are sure to inhale graciously.
Nestled in the enchanting forest of Ukraine near the town of Klevan, this whimsical railroad was formed from years of plants and trees molding around the love train as it made its daily rounds transporting wood, needed for cupid’s arrows of course, to the workshop nearby.
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But when the locomotive isn’t making it’s three daily runs, the tracks have become know as a popular walk way for local and travelling lovers a like. Which is why this whimsical way through the woods has been famously referred to as The Tunnel of Love.
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Couples clasped hand and hand, take this wonderful stroll, engulfed by leaves, branches and their undying love for each other. Local legend has it that lovers who make it through the 2 mile tunnel together will be granted one wish, provided their intentions are sincere.
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The tunnel is at it’s lushest moments during the spring and summer months when the tree’s foliage is at it’s fullest. but the colorful changes of the fall and snowy winters also make for breathtaking sights as well.
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