Barney's Red Cherry Berry Pr0n - 2 1/2 Weeks Out!


welcome to my grow room

i run sog drip feed under a 600 hps.

RCB biotch 1

RCB biotch 2

all my plants are topped for max weight

trainwreck bitch 1

trainwreck bitch 2

oh, and some close red cherry berrrrry

i will be picking the rcb bitches in about 2 1/2 wks, i cannot wait to see how fuckin fat they get!



thanks for the comments guys. currently waiting for the next 3-4 harvests, then i'll be ordering through BCseeds for the Oracle.



some more porn from tonites feeding


gonna start with these beautiful Trainwrecks.

nice big four tops

my second trainwreck 4+ more nice big beautiful tops.

red cherry bunch is also looking very dankk.

kick me a field goal eh? :-P

very nice sized tops for only 2 wk veg

here's a little premature topper on one of the RCB's

there's also some pink in the hairs which im enjoying!

labeled: red cherry berry nut shot

all i got for now. 2 more wks!



Active Member
Allright man. Been two weeks. Been thinkin bout growing these. Would love to see the final cut and wet weight. Kudos on that fine grow. Keep raisin those babies.