bank froze credit card pt.2


Well-Known Member
this is continued off a previous thread:

OK. the reason my card got frozen is b/c there has been a lot of fraudulant activity in Great Britan. my bank will not let me purchase anything in GB b/c they dont want my credit card number to be in any system in GB...... the bank said i can order anything from anywhere but GB.... does anyone know about any seed banks not in Great Britan? (im guessing attitude is in GB) i like "Seed Boutique but i dont know if theyre in GB or not.


Well-Known Member
i placed my order with Nervana!! looks like no GB or UK orders for me..... i got the 5 pack Ak-48......this is very exciting!


Active Member
This sounds very fish to me. The bank does not want you to purchase anything in England???? Somalia I can see. Or if you were trying to help someone who needed to get money out of aNigerian bank (just a short term problem with liquidity, if you could only send a small amount) . . . OK, I can see that. But England, a major industrial and financial center well integrated into the world financial system? My guess is that someone at your bank looked at it and made a problem for you, assuming that you would get scared and drop it. But the kind of response and the reasoning for it that your bank claims is not realistic. People vacation in England and purchase things. Is your bank seriously telling you that you can not pay for food, lodging, what ever in England with a credit card? If it was (or is) so bad that American banks were not allowing all credit card use in England, even if it was limited to online or catalog purchase, it would be major news and big in the news cycle.

The story does not hold together. I think that your bank is fucking with you. Order from another place.



Active Member
some banks credit/debit cards wont allow purchases in the UK. they apperently have a hard time keeping hold of thier information. just go out and get a green dot card.


Well-Known Member
stoneshield said it perfectly... the bank has dealt with sooo many fraud charges from GB so they are not giving GB the benefit of the doubt. go ahead and put all your info (not talking to anyone directly) out there and if your # gets stollen b/c some company cant keep track of their credit logs dont come back cryin deff with the bank on this one!!!


the bank has lost soo much money dealing with these fraudulant charges that they said "screw this". "were not loosing any more money b/c of these thieving bastards. we will cut all ties with this damn country until they get their shit together." until it happens to you then you dont know what its like. DirecTV for NO REASON AT ALL took $1,080 out of my account. i was paid up. they couldnt even tell me why it happened.. they gave the money back but it was the most stressful week ever!!


Well-Known Member
some banks credit/debit cards wont allow purchases in the UK. they apperently have a hard time keeping hold of thier information. just go out and get a green dot card.
^^^^^^ This!!! Use a pre paid and keep shops like nirvana off your debit or credit card purchases.


Well-Known Member
it shows up as "thisipod" so i dont think the bank is going to investigate....the bank is not going to do anything they dont have to.... money obviously comes first for a them!!!


Well-Known Member
it shows up as "thisipod" so i dont think the bank is going to investigate....the bank is not going to do anything they dont have to.... money obviously comes first for a them!!!
And do you think law enforcement is too stupid to know this? That fake name is to keep parents and partners from asking about Nirvana is all. The bank could care less about your charges. However your statements in the wrong hand are another thing entirely. The pre paid card suggestion is a very good one. It leaves no money trace between the buyer and the seller.