

So I know my plant isn't getting enough nutrients, and I haven't been able to get my hands on some due to my current location. A friend of mines who also grew told me to just put in some banana peels and it should be fine. I don't really know how long that'll hold me over. Any guess? Will my plant be fine? She's already starting to yellow a bit at the tip...:wall:

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Bananas wont help man, they will do good if left to compost, in a compost pile or something.

You should get some fish emulsion, its high in nitrogen and should help with the yellowing, which should be a def in nitrogen.


Well-Known Member
fish emulsion isnt very cheap. in my local garden store its $16 CAN + tax. NPK ratio 5-1-1. (comes in like a L bottle) only good thing is most of the nitrogen is available immediately. avoid Urea Nitrogen when shopping for fertilizer. by avoid it i mean get the one with the least. Urea Nitrogen takes time before its available to the plant.


Well-Known Member

You're least expensive, best option is Dyna Gro Veg and Bloom, one part very inexpensive fertilizers. Expert RUI growers swear by it as all the nutrients needed at a reasonable price. Check Walmart or an online hydro shop.

New England Hydro - $6.95


You also MUST have a PH pen, which could be your problem now. If you do not adjust PH you must balance your root balls PH - distilled water (PH 7.0) is a good way. The Eco is one of the least expensive, most resilient, fastest reading ph meters on the market. Avoid Hanna.
