Availability: acid vs x


Active Member
E is 10 for $80 here. lately been blue dolphins and yellow pots of gold. $10 a piece regular. acid is expensive if you can even find it it'll cost ya $150 a sheet i bet or maybe $5 a tab. Personaly i've only seen it once in the last 10 years, it lost it's popularity so it seems?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
they cut pills with ketamine, mdma, mda, sometimes 2cb which is 2 molecules away from acid and is quite similar and some more shit .
i dont know why people are able to do ecstacy but wont ever try acid.
acid is the best drug ever known to man and its the most healthiest drug for you
besides bud ofcourse.
Wow.. 2C-B is two molecules away from acid? You're a fuck tard.. first and foremost, 2C-X are all phenethylamines, while LSD-25 is a tryptamine. They are nothing alike, and two molecules of what? Don't listen to that asshole.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Did that guy really say "acid is the most healthiest drug for you". Lol.
Yes. lol.. I know some people find it petty, but if your grammar and spelling suck major dick (and I don't mean chat lingo, but in general), how the fuck can you trust someone who is going to off-spell easy ass words and have sentences that make absolutely no sense guide you about your own personal health.. my own little pet peave. lol.

But honestly (and trust me, I am pro-acid use lol), it is relatively safe, but I wouldn't jump out as far as to safe it is the most safe drug, there are a couple of nasty side effects that can happen (granted, many of them are based off of the person's mental health).


Well-Known Member
it basicly is tho
like u know how e pills can put holes in ur brain , or oxys are bad for the liver , weeds bad for lungs,
acid is not bad for ur brain , liver , or lungs
the only thing about acid is if u do too much u can go crazy but if u dont ur perfectly safe


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it basicly is tho
like u know how e pills can put holes in ur brain , or oxys are bad for the liver , weeds bad for lungs,
acid is not bad for ur brain , liver , or lungs
the only thing about acid is if u do too much u can go crazy but if u dont ur perfectly safe
You're a little off, but I get the point. MDMA doesn't actually put holes in your brain, but it does effect the way your body can naturally produce seratonin and such. Also true, LSD is probably one of the more safe drugs on your body, but it does carry some neurological side effects.


Well-Known Member
living in the bay area i have access to A LOT of E and Acid (port of oakland is a MAJOR incoming drug station)...im a raver and have much experience with both of these drugs haha

the whole double triple stack shit is BULLSHIT...same with all the colors and stamps...the producers can put any color dye and stamp whatever the fuck they want on it...and it could be a big ass pill but be mostly caffine or tweak

this is why i stick to pure MDMA capsules...shit is expensive but its a clean ass roll...its called molly around here

and acid...shit i could go to the haight district of SF and get the bombest fucking LSD ever...

basically i can get anything anytime...kinda nice LOL


New Member
Yep, I agree molly is the way to go but be careful of the piperzines people pass off as molly.

Bay smoker, what the L usually going for per dose down there?


Active Member
A research chem with the exact same visuals and thought provoking stuff as LSD? Possibly. What are the main differences or ways to tell if my remaining tabs are real? I checked out DOB and DOI and read that they are much less commonly found than LSD.
Prohibition makes it very difficult to distinguish psychedelics since we really don't have a clue what we're getting from the black market.

RC's have become MUCH more common than drugs like real acid. Chinese suppliers are pumping out as much as they can. Check out the DEA "Microgram" bulletins. These are online and are bulletins on substance seizures. Believe it or not, they have seized blotter with xanax laid on it. If you read through these you'll see alot of 2ce,2ci, doc etc. It's important to note that one seizure likely means there is a shitload more of the substance they didn't catch. This stuff is often mail ordered and way easier to procure than precursors to make LSD.


New Member
^^^I hate to tell ya buddy but thats how its been for years and years. The china mail order game has been played since psychedelics have been around. 2c-whatever wont fit on blotters. DOx compounds will fit but you'll know for sure it isnt LSD. Also the mail order game is the game in the world of chemicals.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
^^^I hate to tell ya buddy but thats how its been for years and years. The china mail order game has been played since psychedelics have been around. 2c-whatever wont fit on blotters. DOx compounds will fit but you'll know for sure it isnt LSD. Also the mail order game is the game in the world of chemicals.
Are you kidding? 2C-X will fit on blotters! Dude.. many people have done it! Just make sure you have like 20 blotter strips to get one hit ;-) hahaha.


New Member
^^^No they sandwich it. I know about this sort of business..... There is only one 2c-x that is worth putting on blotter and that is 2c-tfm. The others require too high of a dose to be laid on blotter. Try printer paper with the 2c-x in between and glue sticked together.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
^^^No they sandwich it. I know about this sort of business..... There is only one 2c-x that is worth putting on blotter and that is 2c-tfm. The others require too high of a dose to be laid on blotter. Try printer paper with the 2c-x in between and glue sticked together.
HAHAHAH printer paper glue sticked together!! Fucking right!