auto ak-47xdiesel...1st grow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys welcome to my grow! Ive asked a few ?s here n there and thank u 2 all.I have 5 girls and Im using earth juice, the soil is ffof in 1g grow bags under a 400wmh. Your joining me at wk 10 which puts me at 3wks 2 finish. I have sampled the product and ill say its mosdef a great head hi...well without further ado here they are.



Well-Known Member
shit looks pretty awesome tall did they get..i see maybe a lil cal def..and mag def..could just be a lil blurry though


Well-Known Member
shit looks pretty awesome tall did they get..i see maybe a lil cal def..and mag def..could just be a lil blurry though
hey thank for the comments...thats what sum1 said in the problem forum...whats the rate 4 epsom salt..and is the mg problem the spotted 1 or the yellowing 1? and the got about 18-24in tall


Well-Known Member
spots usually mean CAL..and the yellowing means mag..but if theres no brown spots then its not kinda looks like burns only on the tops of the leaves..if its just yellowing possibly Nitrogen def..but thats normal dependings on how long its been it more nitrogen will prolong the flowering process..i believe its 1tsp per gallon of water..maybe wanna look into soem calmag nutes