Auto AK 47 what do you think?


waddup guys, im thinking of buying 5 auto ak 47 fem seeds.
can anyone recommend some good soil for this type of strain?

Ive had FF ocean forest on my mind but something tells me it will be to rough on the
autos..idk, tell me what you think and leave a smoke report. :bigjoint:


Room- closet w. fan
Lights- 100w fluro
Strain- Auto ak 47
Pot- 1 gallon
Soil- ???

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
waddup guys, im thinking of buying 5 auto ak 47 fem seeds.
can anyone recommend some good soil for this type of strain?

Ive had FF ocean forest on my mind but something tells me it will be to rough on the
autos..idk, tell me what you think and leave a smoke report. :bigjoint:


Room- closet w. fan
Lights- 100w fluro
Strain- Auto ak 47
Pot- 1 gallon
Soil- ???

FFOF is fine I am growing lr2xAk47 and Roadrunner and I use FFOF with no problems.


IMO you wont need much nutes I am just using bigbloom and have only feed twice, There are lots of nutes in the FFOF already.
Here is a pic of my girls at day 42 from seed.
alright i finally received my seeds today. :hump:

I just planted 3 seeds , ill probably post a grow journal when they reach the surface. I cant wait!

Can you give me an update on your plants Jardin?