Are newts a must


Active Member
You all must have missed the part were he said 'I have good compost', sounds like food/nutes too me. You may have to do a few grows to get things worked out with you mix and compost teas But yes its very doable. Bottled nutes have not been around all that long. But folks have been growing plants for centuries and guess what made their gardens grow, manure/compost/recycled household and farm waste...:clap:
And dont waste your money on a pH pen. just get some drops to check your water source to be sure its not totally wacked. Below 6 or above 8 and your good too go. No need to Ph anything, your medium(when growing in dirt)does it for you...Worm castings and dolomite lime are good things to incorporate into your medium mix before starting your grow......

what he said. i mostly grow with my own compost tea and ive never really had issues with it. every now and then i will notice that 1 or 2 will need something extra and i add a bit of the bottle to the tea. even if you cant do that the plant will most likely grow fine. you dont have to pay for nutes


Active Member
nutes r just food he was just asking if his plants need food yes they do now how they get there food is up to you and not all soils buffer there selfs and it is a good thing to ph ur water its simple timeless and it helps!


Active Member
nutes r just food he was just asking if his plants need food yes they do now how they get there food is up to you and not all soils buffer there selfs and it is a good thing to ph ur water its simple timeless and it helps!

a good organic soil should buffer the PH to the correct level, and if it dont, well you mixed your organic soil wrong. chemical ph up or down can kill the microbes in the soil


Active Member
ok just made my pots up useing new horizon organic peat free compost, mixed with parlite a layer of clay pellets at the bottom and the top, plus mixed 30gram of organic mirical grow organic all purpose plant food.IMG_0216.jpgIMG_0217.jpg


Well-Known Member
Look up super soil. That has no "nutes" (the immediately available chemical type) in it just a bunch of great organic amendments. Amendments are not immediately available to the plants themselves so I guess they wouldn't qualify as "nutes" till decomposed by the soil microlife. So the bacteria is the bad guy adding nutes in this case and not you :)


Active Member
will do main reason i dont want to use newts is because i dont want to mess about with PH levels heard a lot of horror stories of people with newt burn and such so if i go organic i wont have this problem plus im useing a bottled water with a PH of 6.4 bottled at sorce


Well-Known Member
Just an FYI. Nute is short for nutrient which is why people shorten it to nutes. This is a newt:

As similar as the words may be it is a bit confusing.


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure Gastanker is an organic grower and he is good at what he does, check out his sig and go read his journal, you can learn alot from just reading through people journals.

to answer your question plants need nutrients to survive, if they dont have any they will starve to death. alot of the "Non-Organic" nutrients are just chemicals that contain the base elements for a plants survival.

the organic nutrients are not chemical based and need a little extra work on your behalf in order to use as they are not usable by the plant as soon as you put them in like a chemical nutrient is. you need to maintain a certain level of micro organisms in your soil to break down these Organic nutrients.

at least this is what i understand from organic growing, you will want to do a bit of research and reading on compost teas and other shit that your going to NEED to grow healthy plants. with a nice rich compost mix in your soil you should be able to get pretty far into your grow without adding anything, depending on plant size you may even be able to finish your grow without adding anything.

remember if your going organic and you need to add to your medium you need to do it with enough time for the micro life in the soil to break down whatever it is you put in there because the nutrients are not available immidiatly after you put them in.

:peace: and good luck


Well-Known Member
haahahahahah gasstanker

thats funny shit...

what strains u runnin right now gas ?
Cross of my own. Lets pray it isn't garbage when done.

lol ok ok so my spelling is off can we revert back to the subject at hand plz lol.
What else do you need to know? It is very hard/almost impossible to burn plants using organic nutrients. It is very very hard to screw up to the point of killing your plants. It however is much harder to grow purely organically and have amazing results as you there are far more variables and much more information to know. If you use a bottled chemical line and follow the instructions perfectly you will have no problems with chemical nutes and can very easily have amazing results (AS LONG AS YOU FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS).

If you go organic soil then you shouldn't really need to worry about water pH. Water pH is REALLY important to hydro because that is the medium the plants are growing in. With soil the medium is the soil so soil pH is what you care about and not so much water pH - it does play a role but much more insignificant than you probably think. If you mix up good healthy pH soil with a bit of lime to additionally buffer the pH then you should be fine with water ranging from 5-8.

Like Matt said it is all about healthy soil - tons of microlife. Read read read.


Active Member
nice post thanks for the advice will keep everbody posted when my seeds have sprouted and i have planted into medium