The user interface I have been working on is displayed on any computer via X forwarding. So the command to view the interface is like : 'ssh username@hostname -X greenhouse' --- username@hostname is obvious, -X forwards the X session for created a GUI on a remote machine when all the process memory is on the beaglebone remotely, and 'greenhouse' is the program name that is launched at a terminal.
I am writing this version (my 5th or 6th time writing this program now...) in python as big programs in C++ become hard to manage memory leaks and I end up spending more time keeping pointer/refrence registers in my mind ( like thinking ahead in chess) rather than the actual algorithm or design pattern I am implementing. Also a C or C++ program needs to be compiled for the specific chip arch that is being targeted, by using python, my code does not need to be compiled as it moves from beaglebone to raspberryPi to atom n450 processors, the user just needs to use openembedded or yocto (both bitbake based cross-compiler toolchains) to build their linux kernel and a filesystem with python ( which the recipes are well supported). Right now there are a lot of loose ends in my python codebase, and I want to get it to a working v0.1 (temp controlled relays with temperature hysterisis and such, also pin mux) before I push it to the github tree.
Those little nokia screens are cool, we have a bunch of them at our local hackerspace.. I thought about putting an industrial strength touchscreen on the front of my junction box, but decides against it, as it makes NEMA 4 compliance much more difficult, as well as the cost of replacing broken screens from the field would deter some farmers. However there are some cheap units for prototyping available here: or ask around for a TI EVM dev board ( usually like the Zoom and am335x-evm ) as I have seen a few of these being given away to people that have a use for it.
Is the temp and RH coming from same sensor ( looks like DHT-11 )? I used to use the white version of those (DHT-22) but there isn't a driver for them in linux, so I have sourced sensors that use i2c instead.
I have for sure decided to use the m305e from dcs-inc as a c02 sensor, they are cheap, powered over 5v, provide spi and analog out as well as an on board relay trigger ( the sensor has a pic16f876a micro with all the set point control logic built in). I also pulled one from a broken 'Green Air Products spc-1' and I fixed the sensor (which Green Air would not do, even when I went to their factory to talk with their tech who refused to help me, and then I tried to talk to the owner about the help I recieved and he told me he didn't want customers that did not have $300 to fix a $600 controller that is barely over a year old ( more about the point of shitty support over money) and then he called me a "stupid kid" (I am 29 and not stupid) and told me to leave) -did I mention to buy Titan controls over Green Air if you have a choice... But yeah, I now have a working m305e and am compiling my kernel for spidev support as I type this..
Also to stear you further away from the darkside... Microsoft will not survive the tale of time. Every child born into this earth inherits all of the work people have done to create the Linux kernel and all GNU source code, this is free for them to build upon, use in whatever way their imagination can find a use for. On the contrast, every child born into this earth must pay for Microsoft's secret, they are not free to build a racecar with the wheel of the OS, they are charged ( kept in slavery due to the difference in the amount of money it takes for a human to live, vs the revenue streams of big corporations to keep the masses in a state of slavery ). By using and buying into Microsoft products (and apple or any other highly proprietary lock-in type vendor) you are supporting the idea of slavery and helping to eliminate the middle class common people, dooming your grandchildren into a life of forced slavery under the guise of 'freedom' (and since every one is thinking with atoms extracted from McDonald's cheeseburgers, they are 'asleep'). The choice is yours (this also applies to your career as a programmer) - the human community of honesty, openness, and love; or the corporate shareholders with their greed, secrets, and fear. IMO the working environments (and not your desk or box) in a Linux shop are much more human (sustainable and responsible) than my past experience working in shops using (any part of) the Microsoft stack. I understand the learning journey (I compiled my first source in Visual Studio), and am just trying to help shine some light on a path as we wander through the maze in the dark.