Apparently I smell like a walking bong...


Well-Known Member
febreze is the only thing i remember that works for "office break tokes"~ cologne just doesn't cut it, especially if you have co-workers who don't smoke at all, you'll just smell like old spice n pine-sol~


Well-Known Member
HAHAHAHAAHHA You fucking rule mate!

i once had the misfortune to spend 3 months in a house that smelled like you all day every day. And not nice bong im talking shitty acrilic plastic shit that got water changed once a month and maybe never cleaned.

You need to get yourself a carbon filter for your bong or convert to the church of bho and all your ailments shall vanish.


Well-Known Member
Edibles or a vape pen will completely or greatly reduce any odor. I also suggest you get you a satchel of synthetic piss because it sounds like they are on to you.