Apollo lights


Active Member
I'm looking at buying a unit for my 2x4 tent. Would 2 Apollo 8s be better fit then using 1 12?

Concern I have is I don't want useless light if the unit is longer then I need but not wide enough... What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Try putting up a picture or link of the "Apollo 8" and "Apollo 12" so people have a clue what you are talking about.


Active Member
Right now I'm rocking a 400wat HPS, figured if added 2 8s that is 720 watts vs the 400 I have now but the real question is, what does 1 8 relate to vs HPS, would 1 HPS be more like a 8, and 2 8s would be more like a 600wat light? If that's the case I might be better off just going with a 600 the difference In power is only 200wats or so


Well-Known Member
a4 = 11 inches long
a6 = 15 inches
a8 = 20 inches
a10 = 24inches
a12 = 28 inches
a16 = 37 inches
a18 = 41 inches
a20 = 46 inches