Anyone had a plant finish real early?


Well-Known Member
Had 2 bagseeds and one which I think is from some sour diesel. Well I'm at week 7 from switching to 12/12 and I loojed under amicroscope and I have some amber mostly cloudy trichs. The other plant still has clear and the hairs still are white, I would guess I has 2 more weeks at least. Also the sour diesel has had a nitrogen deficiency, all the leaves have yellowed and fallen off. The bud looks bomb, anyone ever had a plant finish earlier than expected? And could it be from the nitrogen deficiency?


Active Member
Cut the tops off and the buds that are ready, and let the others ripen. I did a little reading on it, then did it to my plants this run..then was like oh fuck should have read more lol. It looks like its working on my plants. I'm doing mine in 3 stages. Just started 2nd stage on the first plant yesterday.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
buy what you describe I would say you've given her TO much P&K to attempt to "boost" the bud size or hardness or what ever some nutrient manufacturer promised that product X would do for you in the flower phase.....

At any rate the P&K toxic condition has "fooled" the plant into thinking that it's just about to die. So then, what the plant did was to stop uptake of N and using the N stored in the plant has attempted to "hurry up" and finish be fore it's "to late" to reproduce......Thus your plant has LOST some of it's "potential" by rushing the finish before it's time!

I don't know what you used or what you grew in ,, but for soil ---
N-P-K value's at differing stage's ,, a GENERAL zone

Veg - approx N-P-K of 2.8 - 2.2 - 3.1

Early Bloom - approx N-P-K of 3.4 - 2.6 - 3.4

Late bloom (start at 4 weeks) - approx N-P-K of 3.4 - 9.8 - 8.4

These are approximate N-P-K values that work. There is room for adjustment, that's up to the grower.

I'll stick with the high P&K as your leaf/yellowing/falling off/early finish that you know,,,you'll do better next time!!!!


Well-Known Member
buy what you describe I would say you've given her TO much P&K to attempt to "boost" the bud size or hardness or what ever some nutrient manufacturer promised that product X would do for you in the flower phase.....

At any rate the P&K toxic condition has "fooled" the plant into thinking that it's just about to die. So then, what the plant did was to stop uptake of N and using the N stored in the plant has attempted to "hurry up" and finish be fore it's "to late" to reproduce......Thus your plant has LOST some of it's "potential" by rushing the finish before it's time!

I don't know what you used or what you grew in ,, but for soil ---
N-P-K value's at differing stage's ,, a GENERAL zone

Veg - approx N-P-K of 2.8 - 2.2 - 3.1

Early Bloom - approx N-P-K of 3.4 - 2.6 - 3.4

Late bloom (start at 4 weeks) - approx N-P-K of 3.4 - 9.8 - 8.4

These are approximate N-P-K values that work. There is room for adjustment, that's up to the grower.

I'll stick with the high P&K as your leaf/yellowing/falling off/early finish that you know,,,you'll do better next time!!!!
Whats with all the quotations Dr.evil


Active Member
Roots are "pissed" because you have deprived your plant of Nitrogen...
See, I was told different, never heard the flipside argument. I was told in PM's on other sites, and through reading thr logs and etc. Drop your N the last few weeks and up the P and K until you see burn on thr tips of your leaves on the buds, since the fan leaves are gonna go anyways since there is no N. And that this was how you pack on the weight. I've seen "keeping leaves green is how you keep your buds big." And no need for N just load up the P and K thr last weeks till the sugar leaves show a bit of burn and dial ot back with water for a few days.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Mmm,,,2 fields of thought on this eh?
If you up the P&K to toxic levels it stimulates the plant to release stronger or more hormones that make it stop the N uptake by root and brings on the finish fast because I'm dead sooner then I thought response in the plant....This CAN bring on bud building or hardening and a somewhat increased yield....I feel I can do better by being a tad more prudent on WHEN to manipulate the late P&K BOOST.........The early use of amended P&K levels should be held in moderation till week 6 or 7 and running the plant out to 9-11 weeks with the wash starting in the last week of it's life.

This guy's plant finished early and with the yellowing/loss of leaves,,because of the P&K being to high to early.

AN makes some crappy product that your supposed to dump on your plant at the start of flower and it has if I recall a P of 52 !!! Use that just once at change over and the plants leaves will ALL be yellow at harvest.....way to much ,, way to early!


Well-Known Member
I was using GH flora performance pack. And midway thru grow I decided to do my next grow completely using organics and ACT, which is going great. I treated both plants the same when it comes to feeding. I fed them way too light, after reading about so many having nute burn thier first time, I was afraid to feed them. Using myko teas and a vermicast tea has helped stabilize both plants. I also had to leave for 6 days during the 3rd week of flowering and the person watching then for me didn't understand how to feed and ph the solution properly so we decided it would be best if I fed before I left and that person only watered them. The nutes I gave her were minimal but I wonder if GH liquid koolbloom has something to do with it, like dr who is talking about. I read more about the product and I guess it shocks the plant in orser to induce flower.


Active Member
Yeah my fan leaves are yellowing and starting to slump buy none fell off, and they're all showing that phosphorus looking type deficit. But I know it nitrogen. The buds were solid as rocks and finished up strong. So I cut the top foot off. Let the next week or so to let the plant focus on the n3xt buds. Sure enough those solid buds got a little bigger ajd more dense, and receded the hairs. I just cut that section off last night. Now I'm lwtting hte bottom of the plant go to do the same thing. Works for me, but I'm always up for trying diff shit. Bought to start some bubba Og seeds in a few. I'll do half one way, and half the other. Run the lucas for 1 of them all the way through no boosters, and then overload the PK on the other half like I did this grow, and see whoch half averages better in what department. I always like learning the otherside of things. So often we hear one thijg, it sounds good and we commit it to memory as the gospel not ever knowing there was another side, that could have possibpy been better. Thanks for the tip!

I use the Lucas(H3ad) method for Coco, with floromicro/bloom, and epsom. Only other thing I use is MOAB. I dont get crazy with additives.


Well-Known Member
All the buds are equally ripe, I did minimal veg and lst them. The plant height is less than two feet, and the top buds are only about 6" above the side buds.


Well-Known Member
The whole plant is going into a dark period when I get home. Been thinking about throwing a few more plants into flower, since I will only have 1 small plant under a 400w hps. Oh well I guess I will just have to pop more beans :). And my guy keeps hooking me up with free beans, I got about 7 blue dream, some kind of purp and he found a good bean in some girl scout cookies he had.