Almost ready to flower?


Active Member
Just looking for opinions, I have attached some images.

- Fem White widow.
- 5 weeks in veg.
- Soil, 5 gallon pot.
- Lollipopped a bit, and LST.
- Main branch is 14 inch.
- pH Perfect Grow nutes from AN.
- 22,000 lumens CFL, 6400/6500K
- grow tent: 2x4x5
- RH between 50 and 60%

I am thinking of going to 12/12 in two days, as I am thinking that otherwise I will run out of space. I have the same amount of lumens in 2700K available, and for food pH Perfect bloom, Big Bud, and Carboload.

Any thoughts...?

Thanks a Bunch, and Happy New Year!



Switch it dude, she's looking awesome and IMO ready to flower, and yes you don't want to run out of room!


Active Member
yeah looks ready.... be prepared she's gonna veg like crazy those first couple of weeks
i would keep up with veg nutes till she slows down growing vertically

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

Well-Known Member

Yes, I believe most would agree that you can go 12/12 anytime now, best of wishes on your grow.
Dr. Jekyll

Don't listen to these adolescent amateurs, 5 weeks is not enough, best to wait at least another week or maybe 2 to maximize your harvest
Mr. Hyde


Well-Known Member
looking nice and should be fine , was this from seed or cutting ?? if it was a cutting then definatley ready as its already a mature plant , if seed i was advised 60 days till its technically a mature plant :P

but i know nothing just my uneducated opinion lol