ACA Subsidy calculator

How many of you will purchase Health Insurance by 2016?

  • I currently have health insurance.

    Votes: 12 63.2%
  • I will not get health insurance because I cannot afford it, facing $695 or 2% income fine.

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • My insurance plans have changed, I need to review my policy.

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
lack of safety caused the BP leak, lack of safety caused the e-coli breakouts. The bottom dollar is not interested in safety concerns until it is too late. Canna, my boy, I am not talking about socialism. Bad Public Relations will expose the corruption in gov that plagues this American system. Until the mass media uses common sense instead of propaganda, we are a lost nation, socialist, OR capitalist.

Obama propaganda; "If you are happy with your current health insurance plan, you get to keep your insurance plan and your rates won't go up". Oh this is cute..

The only way for socialism to work in America is to increase importation taxes on all goods, except food, and bring American jobs to their customers, other Americans. Socialism will not work if 60% of the workforce is not employed or on part-time hours. Big businesses will leave because it is cheaper to build goods outside of this nation, rather than, locally. Socialism does nothing to address the main concern of exportation of American jobs. 7 years in office and that idiot could not bring jobs back to this country, still, 90% of our "SHIT" is made in another country and imported. This makes me sick..

When you come to understand that private industry is now infinitely capable of PR and manipulates the very facts put forward by the mass media - which it happens quite handily to own, then and only then will you begin to realize that this is not now nor has it ever been about socialism, nor has it ever been about who holds the whitehouse. This is not a conspiracy but it is the natural result of unfettered corporatism.


Ursus marijanus
as of 3/23/10, your current policy would have been grandfathered in, had no changes occurred from the insurance company or you..this is what mr. obama did not make clear..his statement of "keeping your current policy"..was a true statement..if you have been continuously covered prior to 3/23/10 and nothing would not have gotten a cancellation notice..something changed.
If the red is an option, "grandfathered" is not an applicable term.


Well-Known Member
My point is capitalism isn't faulty or erroneus. The problem lies in people. You can't blame the tool, but instead it's the wielders who exercise the influence, socialism.
So long as the only proper mandate for any company is profit, then safety, evironmental concerns and abuting buinesses take a back seat. Each and every environmental disaster can be attributed to ... the placing of profit as the sole motivation of a corporate entity. Tag the fact that B2B enterprises feel even less responsible to their customers (as, of course their customers are businesses as well) and you have a constant invitation to disasters of every sort, social, political, economic, environmental and personal.

Free enterprise only works when it is secured by a larger entity that is in some way beholding to the people as a whole.


Well-Known Member
That is a blogger that isnt even employed by Forbes

Here is who she works for
The Reason Foundation is a self-described "libertarian" [SUP][1][/SUP] think tank. The Reason Foundation's projects include and, as well as Reason Magazine[SUP][2][/SUP] It is part of the Atlas Economic Research Foundation network.
The Reason Foundation is funded, in part, by what are known as the "Koch Family Foundations,"[SUP][3][/SUP] and David Koch serves as a Reason trustee. [SUP][4][/SUP]
According to the Reason Foundation's 2009 Internal Revenue Source 990 return form, it took in $6 million in donation income against $6.7 million in expenses, with only $639,236 in subscription revenue and $113,575 in ad revenue. [SUP][[/SUP]
Why yes... follow the money, unless of course the money leads to places that upset our equilbrium.


Well-Known Member
You try to marginalize every source you disagree with, why don't you make a short list of some nonpartisan sources you'll except.
Or would that defeat your purpose?
You know as a general rule I don't believe in impugning a source, but it is more likely that the source is biased when the majority of it's funding is from a single ideological and self interested source, wouldn't you agree?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
this plan is typical of what a good employer would offer..80/20..$1750 deductible and 5000 out of pocket..sames limits, same exact coverage at my cushy, six-figure for my not paying for it..i had to lie..sorry..i really am qualified for medicaid but our state will not accept the i had to show income that doesn't exist to get the government to subsidize..student loans are not income.

EDIT: bitterness make you look old, NoDrama.
Canndo, bolded for you. The Supreme Court ruled ACA is a tax. So she's commiting tax fraud and should pay the millions who will pay the fine. I thought you progressives were all about fairness?

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
You have never ever ... fibbed on your returns, right? I am not exactly sure what crime you are claiming she commited.
My accountant doesn't want to lose her CPA. I may troll, but I'm honest. Getting cheated sucks. Cheating on taxes hurts millions.


Well-Known Member
Canndo, bolded for you. The Supreme Court ruled ACA is a tax. So she's commiting tax fraud and should pay the millions who will pay the fine. I thought you progressives were all about fairness?
in essence, mr. obama would like to give me healthcare and my state will not..either way it gets paid 100% by the federal government..exactly what fraud are you talking about?..i want healthcare..the fine is for those who won't sign-up.


Well-Known Member
Canndo, bolded for you. The Supreme Court ruled ACA is a tax. So she's commiting tax fraud and should pay the millions who will pay the fine. I thought you progressives were all about fairness?
We older liberals understand that there is no such thing.


Well-Known Member
My accountant doesn't want to lose her CPA. I may troll, but I'm honest. Getting cheated sucks. Cheating on taxes hurts millions.
how am i cheating on my taxes?..specifically? don't know what you're talking about and are looking very stupid..if i were you, i'd quit while i was ahead.


Well-Known Member
My accountant doesn't want to lose her CPA. I may troll, but I'm honest. Getting cheated sucks. Cheating on taxes hurts millions.
We all understand the concept of grey when it comes to our taxes. I do not know exactly what she does or does not report, nor I know what you do. I do know that it is in my best interest to see black and white in... other areas.


Well-Known Member
so schuylaar qualifies for medicaid, the tea party governor plays politics to spite the poor, and people are getting mad at schuylaar instead?

that makes a ton of sense.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
We all understand the concept of grey when it comes to our taxes. I do not know exactly what she does or does not report, nor I know what you do. I do know that it is in my best interest to see black and white in... other areas.
She stated she lied and reported student loans as income to get on Obamacare. That's tax fraud. Sorry, not my rules. It's not a grey area either. Let her tell the truth, and see what happens. Why should I get punished for telling the truth? She even bragged about it and called me a sucker who pays for her cheating and laziness. And, she has enough time to bench press more than me. But not enough time to get a job. She's why I despise liberals. I work my fucking ass off to get where I am.


New Member
She stated she lied and reported student loans as income to get on Obamacare. That's tax fraud. Sorry, not my rules. It's not a grey area either. Let her tell the truth, and see what happens. Why should I get punished for telling the truth? She even bragged about it and called me a sucker who pays for her cheating and laziness. And, she has enough time to bench press more than me. But not enough time to get a job. She's why I despise liberals. I work my fucking ass off to get where I am.
Dependants and Dependence is the mainstream liberal mantra, sky is no different... But her views on taxation are quite interesting especially taxing the church, non profits and big business... Do as she says, not as she does... Fucking junkies...