About 1 month Flowering-No buds and Leafs yellowing


Active Member
the plant is lemon skunk, has been flowering since may 10th-12th or smthing n it just got the hairs from the sacks but no buds! leafs were droopy, yellowing and falling off-watering it 2 times a day stopped it being droopy but soemtimes leaves just yellow n dry out.
i see this as a problem. any ideas how to solve these problems?


Well-Known Member
the plant is lemon skunk, has been flowering since may 10th-12th or smthing n it just got the hairs from the sacks but no buds! leafs were droopy, yellowing and falling off-watering it 2 times a day stopped it being droopy but soemtimes leaves just yellow n dry out.
i see this as a problem. any ideas how to solve these problems?

we need all the details like,ph,ec,what watts your light are the temps light ratio eg:12/12 ect.


Well-Known Member
If your growing in soil and watering twice a day you are drowning your plant and that is likely the cause of your troubles. But like Bong said you have to provide a complete discription of your situation AND some pics.


Active Member
i am growing under the sun. cant be nut defficency...cant be overfertalizing.....m sure.. might be from the watering... durign day temps here go up to 38-39 C ...i was watering them nights afre work..now i water all my plants mornigns n specially this plant respons better to it. btw i cant get how to post pics on the quick reply :cuss: i will megaupload or thnk of somthn


Well-Known Member
Yea dude hair does not grow from the little sacks on the plant, if what you say is true then that is a male which is almost useless. 2 times a day is still to much even for hot temps. The weeds will suck every last bit of water out of moist soil so I think you did over water.


Well-Known Member
Im sure that by "sacks" he means calyxes. Did any of you ever see "hairs" coming out of pollen sacks? LOL
The slow growth can easily be explained by the high temperatures and frequent watering. Sure the top of the soil is probably drying out in those temps but the roots are constantly soaked I bet. And MJ will grow really slow if at all in those temps.


Active Member
Did u say sacks? Mayb u hav a Male plant - this would explain the lack of Bud!
wtf you fukin saying ?! i can tell a male fm female. tell me how can i post pics so you can have a look..since you dont really understant what i am saying..or is just comfusing for you... :lol:


Active Member
..could be. i stick my finger in the soil a couple of inches to feel the soil its not wet.. sometimes not even damp. as i said now i water only mornings. well here are some pics of this plant. thank you for your time



New Member
..could be. i stick my finger in the soil a couple of inches to feel the soil its not wet.. sometimes not even damp. as i said now i water only mornings. well here are some pics of this plant. thank you for your time
I'm not a killer expert, but your plant looks healthy except for the rogue yellow leaves and the lack of flowers. My instinct says it's a pest problem.

If you over watered the plant, it would have droopy flowers or show over watering. It doesn't look like over-watering and I'm not sure if that would keep it from flowering. I checked the strain info and it flowers in 8-9 weeks. So there's definitely a problem. Check the right forum section here, and you're sure to find examples of various plant ailments. The answer is out there if you look at it. If you want to see a healthy Lemon skunk grow, check this out.

Look for bugs. If you carefully lift the plant out of the pot and check the roots. They should be visible, appearing white... look for root rot (brown color) or any crawly bugs. Look carefully cause those crawly things quickly disappear into the soil. Or you can take a chunk of soil of the edge of the root ball, and study it for a bug infestation.

What have you been feeding the plant? How strong is your nute mix? Check the boards for any deficiencies that have similar results as yours and try the nutrient in question.

Have you abused the plants in any way that would stress them? What kind of lights are you using? How close are they? The way it looks to me, you might have a root problem or a deficiency problem, and that may be stunting the flowers. I don't know why the plant would show more visible symptoms if it were a deficiency though.

Good luck.


New Member
..could be. i stick my finger in the soil a couple of inches to feel the soil its not wet.. sometimes not even damp. as i said now i water only mornings. well here are some pics of this plant. thank you for your time
I also wanted to mention that since it hasn't flowered, you can put it back under 18/6 or 24 light until you resolve the issue. It might save the yield.


Active Member
I also wanted to mention that since it hasn't flowered, you can put it back under 18/6 or 24 light until you resolve the issue. It might save the yield.
unfortunetly man....i grow under sun light,daytime here temps go up to 38-39 C. thank you for addvice i will get back to you with my observatons.
btw..i used 20-20-20 nut mild mixtures when it was younger i just sprayed it over the leaves. a week or 2 ago i made just abit weaker mixture than given on the package and watered with it..


Active Member
heer is a pic of the rootunder did not notice no bugs... just is alittle brown the roots under..m not sure if its a rot...n the only digns of bugs are those white-ish spots on 2-3 leafs



Well-Known Member
Hey, If this thing lives outside how are you flowering it? Do you bring it inside at night or what? I mean how do you provide 12 dark hours?


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one confused here? You say you have been flowering since May 10th or 12th. Is that the first time you say signs of the plants being female? Since you are growing outdoors and have no control of your lighting I am wondering did you start these plants inside and moved the females outside?

I am under the impression, and I have only grown with artifical lights, that the plant still needs a shortened day outside for it to bud. I do not know where you live but unless the plant has enough darkness it may not produce buds.

Maybe your plants are waiting for shorter days.


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one confused here? You say you have been flowering since May 10th or 12th. Is that the first time you say signs of the plants being female? Since you are growing outdoors and have no control of your lighting I am wondering did you start these plants inside and moved the females outside?

I am under the impression, and I have only grown with artifical lights, that the plant still needs a shortened day outside for it to bud. I do not know where you live but unless the plant has enough darkness it may not produce buds.

Maybe your plants are waiting for shorter days.
No. LOl I'm confused too. He lost me at "the plant gets sunshine"
Thats why i asked how he's flowering it out side in June LOL :confused:
Maybe he's in Australia. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
Am I the only one confused here? You say you have been flowering since May 10th or 12th. Is that the first time you say signs of the plants being female? Since you are growing outdoors and have no control of your lighting I am wondering did you start these plants inside and moved the females outside?

I am under the impression, and I have only grown with artifical lights, that the plant still needs a shortened day outside for it to bud. I do not know where you live but unless the plant has enough darkness it may not produce buds.

Maybe your plants are waiting for shorter days.
this is not the only plant i got n the others are swelling with buds. i doubt that moonshine troubles the plants much