A how much longer topic.


Well-Known Member
hey folks

My plant may or may not have been 12/12 from seed. But it has definitly been 28 days since the pistils showed.

If flowering takes 8-12 weeks or 56-84 days i should have 38-56 days left right?

Im baseing this on from the time i saw the small pistil till right now. Not the entire life as of today.

Is that correct? I can provide some pics if it helps or if my calculations seem off.


Well-Known Member
put up pics but there is no set date when it is done its done when its done
Exactly, you have to remember that those flower times are for plants grown under perfect conditions by people with PHD's and all other kinds of letters behind their names. Like grorite said, they'll let you know when they're done.


Well-Known Member
You don't want to hack and smoke the PREMIES man...Trust me. You'll be disappointed. Besides, even if you did hack it down you wouldn't be able to even smoke it for like 5 days and it would taste like garbage then, probably wouldn't even be quality for 10-12 days. Do you have a microscope? Like a hobby one? Check to see what percentage of the trichomes are milky. This will tell you when it done. One cant simply look at a plant with the naked eye and say for sure its done, or it is not.


Active Member
Some sativa Dom plants can take months to flower, it'd help if we had some pics, also when you start seeing pistols it could be in the preflowering stage, so you have to look at more than just the time since its been sexed.


Well-Known Member
Some sativa Dom plants can take months to flower, it'd help if we had some pics, also when you start seeing pistols it could be in the preflowering stage, so you have to look at more than just the time since its been sexed.

im gonna snap some natural light pics in a little bit here.


Well-Known Member
My plants are 12/12 from seed they are 97 days old and they started flowering at 28 days 97-28=69 days almost 10 weeks and about 1-3 weeks left for them all to be done


Active Member
Looks like you're just getting buds, at least a month or so left IMO. You'll see your hairs turning brown and the calyx will swell up taking in like half the hairs length as it gets down to the last couple weeks


Active Member
I'd say a month at the least though, could be closer to 2 before you'd wanna pull it, it's much easier to tell when it gets down to the final 2-3 weeks


Well-Known Member
I'd say a month at the least though, could be closer to 2 before you'd wanna pull it, it's much easier to tell when it gets down to the final 2-3 weeks
I was thinking like 50 more days. I was able to get some bud so im alot less worried about when now.


Well-Known Member
My plants are 12/12 from seed they are 97 days old and they started flowering at 28 days 97-28=69 days almost 10 weeks and about 1-3 weeks left for them all to be done
I'll see on this 12/12 from seed. The Rhino X Mazar is loving it and flowering at 27 days. OG13 is loving it too but not flowering from it yet. Blue Widow and Kandy Kush would have done far better on 18/6 to veg. Read your posts on it before a decided to try a few.
Get a jewelers loop, or a magnifying glass a minimum of 30x
Look at the leafs for the little mushroom like trichs pick when you see the first few going to amber then slow dry for 21 days at 8% humidity. You can pluck when all milky but it alters the high