A Combination of Heat Stress, Bent Stalk and Possible Overwatering


Ok here she is if anyone besides Quiz is even following this XD!. View attachment 2808880View attachment 2808881IMG_0758[1].jpgIMG_0759[1].jpg Notice the pink pistils forming now. Also another thing to note is that I have noticed she looks a tiny bit droopy but I have just contributed this to possibly her switching the growth into the buds now since they are forming nicely. All comment appreciated at this point for this grow. Stay lifted guys peace (I am a little drunk from this post hehe).


Well-Known Member
Shits gonna be some fire..love the coloring man. I would clone it

I wish one of my plants would do that


Shits gonna be some fire..love the coloring man. I would clone it

I wish one of my plants would do that
I am hoping man, the buds right now are tiny but she is only 2 weeks in since I noticed her sex so probably like 1 and a half weeks of pure flowering stage idk man. Yah but I am seeing little bits of thc development here and there but nothing crazy frosty like I see other grows have. I hope by the end f the month to have something actually worth showing on here lol like something frosty.


Well-Known Member
Looks awesome, any trichome production yet? I expect not...it looks extremely sativa, you have a good ways too go...some of mine don't show frost till 8 weeks or so of 12/12....where did you get that, bag seed right? If it was miss or brick weed I would suggest you have a 16 week strain on your hands...


I was able to take a picture of a leaf that has some trichs starting. there on every bud but its hard to take a pic up that close but I got lucky with this one. It was a bagseed from some really good shit my friend had. I really want to say sour diesel because he dropped off some sour d a couple weeks later but I cant be super positive. View attachment 2811008 Oh and by the way yah she looks like she could go until November which just means more work for me to bring her inside at night and really baby her =/. Its all good though I'll put up with it if it means greater yield and potency.


Getting stickier. One thing I was wondering or can anyone tell me will my bud tops get any bigger than my thumb? Is this a normal size for a 3 weeks flowering plant? IMG_0805[1].jpgIMG_0806[1].jpgIMG_0808[1].jpgIMG_0809[1].jpgIMG_0811[1].jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea expect it to atleast double in size height wise possibly triple or more depending on how sativa.. hard to say this early probly arm sized cola


IMG_0852[1].jpgIMG_0854[1].jpgIMG_0855[1].jpgIMG_0857[1].jpgIMG_0858[1].jpgHere we go a week and a half later at week 5. Much more buds starting to develop with a lemony orange like stink. I even can see some amber trichs with my naked eye. Can't wait till harvest. She looks like she will be able to be harvested right around Halloween which is perfect. Bringing her in every night now aswell and feeding with banana tea. Let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Reigning she is turning out great! I'm am only 3 weeks into flowering and i cnt wait till the finish. Great job and I remember reading in a post you made in bum's grow that you wanted to keep your grow organic did you? Thats 1 hell of a trich show you got going on!!



Reigning she is turning out great! I'm am only 3 weeks into flowering and i cnt wait till the finish. Great job and I remember reading in a post you made in bum's grow that you wanted to keep your grow organic did you? Thats 1 hell of a trich show you got going on!!
Yah i kept her nice and natural. Feeding her only molasses and bananas heh can not wait for Halloween ;)