5 Days, No Sprouts

Pure Kush

Should I be worried I planted my germ'd seeds 5 days ago TODAY. I have yet to have sprouts, should I be worried?

Pure Kush

I did what most guides said to do, take a pen/pencil and stick the tip in the dirt, then put the seed in the hole.


Well-Known Member
yeh should be about 1/4 - 1/2 inch down...

you said you germ'd the beans... I assume you were careful not to touch or disturb the tap root when moving them to the medium?
what soil are you using? and how damp/wet is it?

probably nothing to worry about - give 'em a few more days...

Pure Kush

Its pretty dry down here in south georiga..... We are also in a drought :/ I water a pretty good bit....... And I am using a personally mixed soil from compost/woods and stuff.


Well-Known Member
like i said - give it a few more days.. if another 5 days pass and there is still nothing you have a problem..


Well-Known Member
start again... and reassess your methods..

there's a few things that can cause issues....

watering too much
watering too little
drainage issues
ph of your water
shit seeds
shit soil
damaging the taproot by touching it or knocking it

..... could go on ....

but tbh putting a seed in dirt is the easy bit...

i just reread your previous post... you said

We are also in a drought :/ I water a pretty good bit....... And I am using a personally mixed soil from compost/woods and stuff.
you said you water "a pretty good bit."... in 5 days you should not have watered them at all (maybe once if the soil was completely dry)... but normally i saturate my soil completely (water it a lot) before planting the seeds... i usually dont need to water again for about a week and usually the seedling have broken the surface before i need to water again...
also do you have proper drainage? it could be you have drowned them...

secondly you said you are using personally mixed soil.. "from compost/woods and stuff" this could mean bugs/fungus/mold etc... did you treat the soil at all? personally when i'm using soil i use Biobizz or similar because it contains an effective blend of soil (20%), compost (35%), worm castings (10%) and Perlite (30%) as well as a special 'pre-mix' (5%) of biologically active organic ingredients that have been fermented for a month to create a potent mixture - it is also PH BALANCED and BUG FREE

Pure Kush

Thanks for tips, well i didnt over water I water'd them maybe two times in a week (days apart of course). Only because its dry here..... Also I am starting a new grow at my OWN house outdoors of course, but with better soil :) Store bought! Hopefully the 3 babies at my partners will still hatch!


Well-Known Member
Howdy:lol:Are you trying to grow outdoors~Or are you germinating in a 18oz solo plastic cup with some seed starting soil covered with saran warp and a rubber band that you keep under some cfl's or fluorescent lights in a warn place this is how I do it:!: