4 day old seedling does it look right?


This a 4 day old seedling. im using 60w CLF at 3 fingers from plant. The bulb is cool i can hold it no problem. On a digital light meter it say 55000 - 60000 lux. Have a fan blowing at plant at low speed. All I gave the plant water with PH down, PH is at 6.4 - 6.1. I give water when top 1 inche of soild is dry.


So my 2 questions are:
on day 2 she got the yellow tips, why?
this mourning she has the brow in the middle, is this normal?


Active Member
I'm not an expert by any means, but something doesn't look ideal. The cotyledon look a little deformed, perhaps not a great seed. I'm sure others will chime in.

More info is needed. What about humidity? Also how big is that pot, what kind of soil (obviously a lot of perlite)? 24/0 or what? and what are day and night temps? Maybe a picture of the whole setup.


humidity is 59 - 69%
pot is small, but I guess good size for a seedling. im using perlite 3 to 1 sunshinemix #4
light is at 18hrs
temp from 72 - 76



Well-Known Member
Not a pro but I've seen that before because I had a plant that looked 90% similar to your plant... The stem color isn't right... My plant died about 3 days later and it just flopped over... nobody ever told me the cause either...