3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome


Active Member
I'm jealous of your seed plants its been years hopefully soon. I'm glad your doing controls love the science involved its the only way to know for certain.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I enjoy altering variables and seeing what
comes about from it.

They seem to be growing at similar rates,
However bud formation seems to be
occurring at a faster rate on the plant still in the cup.

So anyone have any ideas on when I should
switch to hps?


Well-Known Member

So today is day seven of flower.

Things are shaping up nicely,
clones have already grown a fair amount,

going into 12/12 on friday.

I am thinking of switching to hps on friday as well.

One thing I am slightly worried about is some parts of the lower branches going hermie

because I believe I saw a couple balls but my camera does not take good enough pictures
close up

and it almost looks like the bud formation has seeds forming in them almost?

Perhaps I am just being paranoid...? besides, they could not have
possibly pollinated the females already correct?

It takes time fore the pollen to develop and showers show before it is released correct...?


Well-Known Member

2 days from the end of week 2, 2 pictures also contain clones that were moved to flower room on friday.

And the first pictures are of the top of my tallest plant, which was only 4 inches from the 1000 watt bulb
for a day, it definitely got a little bleached. I have since moved it to the side of the hood where it is located in the picture

I finally figured why I got lucky with my female from seed ratio,
I am assuming that a plant hermied and caused feminized seeds because they are all blue queen bagseed

the clones however are LSD and L.A con


Well-Known Member
I would have prefered to have stayed
away from seeds to be honest.
Clones will be much more uniform and
have similar finish times. Bag seed
has alot of variation.
I would prefer to have plants the same height,
with same finish time.


Active Member
Gotta start somewhere I will never introduce foreigners again. Knowing exactly what they're gonna do is awesome but what's a cycle cost.


Well-Known Member
Just a little bit of 2 week and 3 day bud porn,

I also have a picture of my 16 oz cup girl
just for shits

She is turning out lovely

can't wait to smoke her bongsmilie



Active Member
Is this a question? Sorry, I am a bit stoned and don't fully understand.
No question, I'm not as greedy with my real estate as I once was, experimenting or taking time to rear a strain when your clones are rockin seemed like an unnecessary waste of time. Cutting 8 weeks for uncertain results adds some spice to my machine. Cup turned out pretty good how'd it dry? My midgets were so dense like cauliflower but didn't really feed or water for about 10 days to stimulate herms and fluffed out.



Well-Known Member
The clone rotation is off by a week as I wanted to have an
extra week of veg after rooting.
However I just made a nine site cloner to go along with my 6 site,
so now I have a substantial margin of error now
in regards to cloning success.

On Tuesday the first 4 plants with be at day 42, so roughly 3 weeks
to go for them, then the next 6 will be ready 3 weeks from then.
And I currently have 15 cuttings in my cloners.

Pictures to come


Well-Known Member
Cup still has about 3 weeks to go as do the others,

But early guess is no less then 14 g's.

Its is incredibly frosty, and is the most pungent