300W LED Indoor problem


New Member
Hello again.
Everything is fixed now. Here's the screen of recovery. http://i.imgur.com/i1hpzZO.jpg
The problem appeared to be nute lockout by inappropriate PH range. My old PH meter had rough 0.5 range problems.
So when I bought new one, calibrated it properly, it showed that my tap water is around 8.0, which is guaranteed phosphorus lockout at this point. So yellowing was caused by lack of phosphorus which was unavailable for roots to absorb in PH above 7.
Now I'm checking my ph at every watering and giving 6.5 balanced water.
Not everything is nute burn you know :) Cheers and goodluck!

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I have read on Rollitup in the soil section that the ph of the water isn't really important because the soil acts as a buffer. Only in hydro should the ph of the water matter. You may have to check and/or even replace the soil.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
Attempting to ammend a soil while something is growing in it could result in a not so desirable situation. I certainly don't disagree with ph'ing the water as so many organic growers will dissagree. I'd ph the water at 6 ph until the solution is concluded.