3 Strains - Similar problems


Hello - I'm new to growing and I've got a three autos growing in pots right now: Jock Horror, Berry Ryder, and Trans Siberian. They are growing okay and are budding nicely but they are surely showing signs of problems. I've uploaded three pictures of each. If any of my more experienced brothers and sisters in the cannabis world could take a look and give some advice, it would be greatly appreciated. BTW - I'm growing them indoors with a HydroGrow 3W LED system but I live in the tropics by the equator so i take them out for some good, strong sun when it's nice out. I have them under 20 hours of light and 4-6 hours of dark (sometimes I do 24 hours of light). They are grown in soil. I just started checking the PH last week and it was around 7.5 so I've added lemons to my water to lower the PH. I wasted five good seeds (white widows and blue widows) before I got these plants to grow. I've done so much research but I'm basically going trial and error now and trying to learn what I can. Thanks in advance!


Rancho Cucamonga

Active Member
I'm almost certain is it a pH issue. What kind of soil, nutes?

From the pics it's definitely not that bad. I think your pH has just been too high for too long, and I know from reading not experience that changing light schedules on autos is bad. I really can't tell size of pots from pics but maybe bump up a gallon or two in size next time. Being I'm not an auto person and live in a completely different environment I really can't be certain.

Thise few bad leaves aren't much to worry about. How long are these suppose to grow and how old are they?


Active Member
I think switching the light schedule is what's giving you the problem, not for sure though.


Well-Known Member
Plants look fine. Get a better handle on your ph but in regards to light. I'd also agree with DFTOKE that the ladies like consistency.. Also, the leaves dying kind of look like they are showing up in random spots. check under leaves for bugs. Autos don't really give you a lot time to "fix" major issues. You should look into 12/12 from seed with regular/fem seeds. Still can be small but you can drag that process out as long as you'd like. (re-veg) Did some autos last spring and wasn't to impressed with their performance. To each their own i guess. Just wasn't worth the effort to me.


Hi I'm sure the PH has been a problem for a while. I should have been checking it since day one. I planted these autos on January 31 so they've been growing pretty fast. The yield isn't very much but the quality looks good. I believe they have a schedule of around 60 days from seed to harvest. Thanks for easing some of my fears with state of my leaves. As for the size of the pots, they aren't that big, probably two gallons. I read that autos don't need big pots. I've got larger pots and I'm probably going to make use of them when germinate/plant my next batch (non-autos)


Thanks for all the advice guys - the light schedule is surely something I will change. I'll be more consistent and stick to a set light schedule. I went with autos this time around because I didn't have luck with my first batch of non-auto fem seeds. I read that autos are easier to grow and more forgiving which is why I went with them but I'm ready to try my non-auto fem seeds again. I've spent over $300 on seeds that I ordered from a UK seed bank so I hope I do better with my next grow because any mistakes I make are pretty costly. I'm glad to hear that my leaves aren't as bad as they look. Last week I started using lemons in my water to bring down the PH to between 6.5 and 7.0 and I also started using FloraNova Grow (7-4-10) and bloom (4-8-7), four TblSp per two gallons. Living out here in the islands, we don't have a lot of options with grow supplies unless we mail order so the FloraNova stuff is the best I found (before that I was using miracle grow). Thanks again for all the advice!