3 pre-leafs on a seedling???wtf???


Well-Known Member
I just popped some Bubba Kush X Deep Chunk from cannacopia and I found the strangest thing on one of the seedlings. Out of 3 that I popped one of them has 3 pre leafs(not sure what to call them) Usually when a seed germinates you get a set of little pre leaves before the true traditional looking weed leaves come in. One this one plant there is the regular set of 2 leaves and one more on one side. Has anyone seen this before?? I have been growing pot for years and have never seen anything like this. I am wondering if this is like the 3 leaf clover of the marijuana world.??


Well-Known Member

Either you've got a mutant bean from the planet Zebulon OR you've entered an alternate universe where everything is in base3!!!





Well-Known Member
these breeders are pumping out so much junk , that they are not showing the weed any love, therefor causing unstable species , hermies and deformed shit like you got. BUT like you i have never seen anything like it , so it might be the 4 leaf clover of our world! keep her , show her love an she might be the best.



Well-Known Member
It is most likely a Trifoliate, 3 branches per node.
Also rather common and probably not a sign of bad anything.
It should produce a third more bud!

I have one growing as do a few other people.

grow it, feed it, Love it, smoke it!


Well-Known Member
Dogenzengi, thanks, Im gonna grow it out for sure. I always have shown extra love to any plant that's a little bit weird, I guess like me. I will love on it and I hope your right about one third more bud!!!


Well-Known Member
i had a kings kush that wasnt like that but it was a mutant.

It grew way to many leaves and had weird numbered leaves and small extra leaves. 9 on this branch 14 on another 10 an some branches.

And i could tell the buds were alot fatter because of this.

It made a very indica plant that had a high calyx to leaf ration into a sativa looking one but with alot of density.

It was a fun one and was just as potent, herm resistant, and stable as the other 3 i grew.