3 and 4 star leave


Well-Known Member
Some of my Sour Diesel are producing fan leaves with only 3 and 4 leaves on them. Does any body know what causes this? Thanks

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
no but you should save the plants for breeding, create an unrecognizable stealthy plant, market it and make millions..with 5% cut to me as the creator of the idea


Well-Known Member
I have a sour diesel strain that does the same thing. More so when you keep going down in genetic grade f1,f2,f3,f4. I have never noticed a problem with them and actually love this specific cut more then any sour d ive ever run into.


Active Member
most of the time when you see un-uniform leaves its because the plant started to go into flower and is revegging. most of the time if the plant triggers far into flower then revegges it will shoot single blade leaves. thats what im thinkin your issue is just let it be and it should start shooting normal uniform leaf blades!


Well-Known Member
Ya could be. I have a big beautiful mom that ive had for a year or so now and never had to re veg. I'm sure there are several reasons why this could be happening I just dont think its something to worry about.