1st time grower


hello everyone im new to the forums and growing. i recently bought the 2ft 24w t-5 light setup i was wondering would this be good enough to grow 1-5 plants at the most? i will be starting with bag seeds as i dont wanna buy seeds yet,i wanna learn before i start spending money on seeds. should i try making a little grow box or will my closet do the job? any type of help would be great i do try and read alot of the things on the site about growing thx alot everyone

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
I'm not sure what that light looks like, but it sounds like 2 plants will do ya. Depending on how big the closet is, a growbox might be better. You can have it fit to the light so nothing gets lost. Every last bit of light will be reflected onto the plants in a small, custom size space.


thx for the tip my closet is a little over 4ft would that be to big? and for the grow box should i make 2-3ft and how tall should it be?