1st post :) hello all. topic: can I distinguish male/female by seeds?


New Member
Hi All!

I am new on this forum so I say hello :)

As in topic, is it possible to know the sex by how the seeds look like?

(PS. I can attach a link of seeds if needed)

Regards, b


Active Member
now days they have seeds that are auto flower or feminized seeds meaning that they are going to be female due to new age research, if you were to look at a reg bag seed there would be no way to tell if it is a male or female, unless it is feminized...hope this helped


Well-Known Member
It seems like the seed may contain the material it needs to be either sex. During germination is probably when it's final sex is more determined- not when it's still a seed.

I say this because there is some evidence to say that different germinating conditions favor different sex. Dutch Passion made some recommendations years ago such as temperature and humidity which seem to play a small role.
Also, there are products you can buy which will push up the likelihood of a seed growing into a female plant. At my local hydro store they sell a seed soak. You simply soak the seed in the chemical and then germinate it and it greatly increases the chance of it growing into a female plant.


New Member
thanks to all of you for resps : )

I enclose poto anyway:


so as far as I understood I will know the genre in 2 weeks from seeding?


Well-Known Member
*facepalm* at two weeks you will be glad just to have two or three nodes. I dunno what you are smoking but I wouldn't any more


Well-Known Member
If only everything was as so easy as you describe. Sexing seeds by looks, or if that fails, you'll know in two weeks anyway, :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
No, there is no way to identify gender by how the seed looks. Regardless of what silly claims may be out there.