1st grow 600w hps


Well-Known Member
Seeds : 5 G13 Super Skunk 1 Tai Skunk
Grow medium: Miracle Grow (i know i know i shouldn't but i wanted to start growing asap and i cant get stuff delivered to my place)
Grow area: MDF box built by me :) 92cm W 107cm H 64cm D
Lighting: For now im using 3 20w CFLS as i dont yet have a fan to cool my monster. When i get the fan i shall be running 600w hps lamp with cooltube and Lumatek digital ballast.

So this is my grow box, the black box thing is my modified pc power supply to power the pc fans that will hopefully help vent the box. In the corner is my cooltube ready to hang. i used heat insolation to reflect the light and keep the box warm when the lights are off.

Ive waiting for a 150mm Ruck extractor fan so i can use the 600w lamp ill post again once the plant grows abit and the lamp is in.

thanx guys feel free to give advise all is welcome:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
nice starting setup, seems like you've done you homework too, subscribed!

i'm doing a stealth 600w closet grow, 5 weeks in flower, i'm looking for different setup ideas for my next grow, keep us posted

p.s. check out mine sometime, in sig


Well-Known Member
Okay day 3 and ive installed my 600w hps lamp, 150mm ruck fan and lumatek ballast. \i must say WOW is this thing bright.

The 150mm fan is like an aircraft jet i used insulated ducting and put the fan in a box and tried insulating it but i can still hear it loud. it does the job though the air coming out the back is cool but im havingheat issues with my box as the temps are at 105 F

The only problem i have is i dont really know when to water them and how much ? any got advice .




Well-Known Member
wait untill the soil is dry a few inches down then water till it starts to come out of the bottom (makes holes if nessary)

are you sucking air thru the cooltube or blowing past it?


Well-Known Member
well to start i was blowin air through it but now im sucking air through has cooled it down alot at around 80 - 85 F now.


Well-Known Member
its been about a week and a few days since i last updated the pics.

okay they have grown pretty fast but 1 of the leaves on a plant has a little yellow cut thing on it i tried to takes pics but couldn't get focus on the plant. here are the pics lemme know what you thing and if they look well and happy cos this is my first grow and i could be killing them or some shiz.

also i am using a 600w hps lamp through the day and 3 20w cfl bulbs at night while im asleep. is this ok or will it do fuck the plants up?

o ye ive been watering them every day about a quarter of a pint is that ok too.





Well-Known Member
okay they have grown pretty fast but 1 of the leaves on a plant has a little yellow cut thing
also i am using a 600w hps lamp through the day and 3 20w cfl bulbs at night while im asleep. is this ok or will it do fuck the plants up?
o ye ive been watering them every day about a quarter of a pint is that ok too.

First off, it's looking good, don't stress too much the plants are gonna grow on their own. Don't trip on the leaf, they'r just gonna fall of later, it's cool. water less, wait for them to dry all the way. can you possibly run the 600 all night? neways, keep it strong bro:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
thanks man, the 150mm fan im using to cool the box and lamp sounds like an aircraft jet ive insulated it as much as i can but it makes too much noise to have on 24/7


Well-Known Member
Okay its been 16 days since the seeds were planted and i must say they are growing pretty fast and already have a nice smell to them. (i smell my plants mmmmmmm)

I water them every two days until water comes out the bottom and have being using a combination of cfls at night and my 600w hps through the day because the fan is too loud i cant sleep.

Erm before the pic i am just wondering when to start flowering as i want short bushy plants as my grow box is only about 1 metre high. also are my plants ready to be topped/fimmed i want 4 main colas.

Enjoy :)



Well-Known Member
Hello and nice plants!

If you are interested in making a very cheap and quick speed controller for your fan let me know. Was $13 canadian and took 5 minutes. I just made one last weekend for my 150mm fan since it sounded like a turbine engine. Obviously it won't move as much air, but use a thermometer and I'm sure you can tone it down more than you think.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the speed controller idea, erm i dont know the pots size actually just thought they look big enough, ill find out in the morning. Also once i get another set of leaves i think im going to try LST with them instead of topping/fimming.


Well-Known Member
okay i think this is about week 4 maybe after 3 week of veg i put them to flower as i want short bushy plants hopefully it will work, i had a problem where i had to hide the plants in a space with no light for 4 days (had flat inspection) so now there back in the box, are my plants ok even though they had 4 days of no light. the plants have burnt spots from me not watering correctly suppose i forgot.

erm i am also trying LST but dont know if im doing it right, any advice on my plants is welcome.




Well-Known Member
quick question... even though ive put the plants into flower 12/12. will they still grow bigger like heighjt wise. o yeah and using LST i have seen a number of new little cola like growth all over the plants.


Well-Known Member
i never top just lst, get great results with minor stress to the plant, have seen great results with topping also