1st Bagseed CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
This is my 1st Bagseed grow. Pretty sure it is Indica. As of today, she is 2 months & 2 days old. She was outdoors and recently brought indoors 4 days ago. I have her on:

12/12 [1 23w CFL 4" from plant - In the process of getting more CFLs and higher wattage]
In Miracle-Gro 8qt African Violet Potting Mix [14-14-14] with some regular potting soil

The Setup:

5-gal bucket
Ozark Trail Emergency Blanket [90% Reflective]
1 1/2' x 7 1/2' x 1 1/2' [w-h-d] Grow room (isn't my house)

Pistils are showing, some purple on stems [I think it's due to strain and not a P def], she's just overall thriving in the little conditions I have her in. I will take some more photos and put them on here when I get some bulbs for the setup and she has grown a bit more.


Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
lol yea man, get some more light on her. Going from the sun to 1 23 watt bulb is a pretty big change. good lookin plant tho


Well-Known Member
Thanks Johnny. Yeah, I went out and got a y-splitter for the bulb socket and bought a 68w CFL from Home Depot for $15. Turns out though, the people that I stay with happen to have a 105w CFL, so I might just switch them out inconspicuously so I'm running 128w instead of the now 91w. We'll see how that goes. The average temp on her was between 80.2 F-81.6F, with the new bulb I'm sure it'll raise, hopefully not too much. If it does I already rigged up a fan and am waiting to put it to use.


Well-Known Member
sounds good nice diy first grow! I would try to get as many wyes and cfls as you can get as cfl light diminishes quickly and no matter the wattage it is better to have more that you can line up with the bud sites. nice grow!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input cacamal. I plan on getting more CFLs when I can. I actually just seen on my 23w [which I've only been using for 4 days at 12/12] what appears to be like the glass is melting near the base of the bulb. I guess I'm going to have to bring it back to the store and get a new one because I can't afford a fire here.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Johnny. Yeah, I went out and got a y-splitter for the bulb socket and bought a 68w CFL from Home Depot for $15. Turns out though, the people that I stay with happen to have a 105w CFL, so I might just switch them out inconspicuously so I'm running 128w instead of the now 91w. We'll see how that goes. The average temp on her was between 80.2 F-81.6F, with the new bulb I'm sure it'll raise, hopefully not too much. If it does I already rigged up a fan and am waiting to put it to use.
Yea I got that same 68 Watt CFL from Home Depot and they work GREAT! Its a TCP 2700K (perfect for flowering) 300 watt equivalent and its a very bright light, 4200 lumens I believe, however its F-ING HUGE! I plan on getting a couple power strips, some socket to outlet adapters, some Y-splitters and some more of those TCP 68 Waters and surround my plants with them. This is a little hard to explain since I don't have the stuff now to take any pictures of so bare with me here: I'll mount the power strips vertical on the walls right across from the plants lined up the the "trunks" and plug in the Y-splitters W/adapters stacking them up along the plants (plants would be in middle of the Y with lights on either or all sides) and then surround them with the 68 watters, dose that make sense? I don't know if I'm explaining it clearly enough but I think its a perfect application for small space grows. I will also have as my main overhead light either a 250 Watt hps, 250 Watt CFL, 150-250 watt LED, possibly an induction light (if I can find one cheap) or ideally a combination of two or all of them, money of course being the deciding factor. I have also been hearing some really good things about the Sun God KOME 200 Watt 8U CFL Grow light, it produces 15,000 Lumens, has a unique round shape which makes it work EXTREMELY WELL in parabolic dome reflectors and is only around $75 shipped, that's not too bad especially if the rumors and manufacturers claims are true. Has anybody used this light and what was your experience? How dose it compare to other 200 Watt CFL's and would you recommend it?


Yes more light! I started my first grow with like 3 13watt cfl's! I didnt know what I was doing! But when I got alot more lite my plants expoded with growth. Great looking plant by the way!!

Here is a little grow i have Going! Its my first Grow ever!!


You can watch in the videos of me starting and evolving from a little tiny pc box to my now grow box!

Im having so much fun just learning!!:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yea I got that same 68 Watt CFL from Home Depot and they work GREAT! Its a TCP 2700K (perfect for flowering) 300 watt equivalent and its a very bright light, 4200 lumens I believe, however its F-ING HUGE! I plan on getting a couple power strips, some socket to outlet adapters, some Y-splitters and some more of those TCP 68 Waters and surround my plants with them. This is a little hard to explain since I don't have the stuff now to take any pictures of so bare with me here: I'll mount the power strips vertical on the walls right across from the plants lined up the the "trunks" and plug in the Y-splitters W/adapters stacking them up along the plants (plants would be in middle of the Y with lights on either or all sides) and then surround them with the 68 watters, dose that make sense? I don't know if I'm explaining it clearly enough but I think its a perfect application for small space grows. I will also have as my main overhead light either a 250 Watt hps, 250 Watt CFL, 150-250 watt LED, possibly an induction light (if I can find one cheap) or ideally a combination of two or all of them, money of course being the deciding factor. I have also been hearing some really good things about the Sun God KOME 200 Watt 8U CFL Grow light, it produces 15,000 Lumens, has a unique round shape which makes it work EXTREMELY WELL in parabolic dome reflectors and is only around $75 shipped, that's not too bad especially if the rumors and manufacturers claims are true. Has anybody used this light and what was your experience? How dose it compare to other 200 Watt CFL's and would you recommend it?
Yeah, I got the 68w CFL and boy is it bright! Yes, it puts out 4200 Lumens [I keep the box they come in, in case of returns] and it's raised my average temp with lights on from 80-81F to 84F. My plant loves it around that temp, so I don't bother with it. I actually need to take a couple more photos because there's more pistils on her and she's grown about 2-3" since last photos. I've personally never heard of the Sun God Kome, but it sounds interesting and I'll definitely have to take a look into it and get back to you with my opinion.

Yes more light! I started my first grow with like 3 13watt cfl's! I didnt know what I was doing! But when I got alot more lite my plants expoded with growth. Great looking plant by the way!!

Here is a little grow i have Going! Its my first Grow ever!!


You can watch in the videos of me starting and evolving from a little tiny pc box to my now grow box!

Im having so much fun just learning!!:hump:
Thank you troykey. I actually built myself a PC box as well and I'm using it right now my experiment. I took 2 clones off the plant I have flowering now [before I put her into flower], used some Shultz Root Take [took 10 days to make enough root to transplant] and then put one outside and one in the grow box to see which grows better. So far, the one in my box is growing better than one outside. It's at a steady temp of 85 F, No exhaust [left back part of where pc fan should be, open to vent out] but I have an intake fan, some emergency blanket, a 23w 6500K CFL [should be more, but it's doing fine with one] that I modded out to just rewire up to the computer On/Off switch with a homemade batwing reflector and a Mini CO2 generator. I'll take some photos and put it on this thread to give you or anyone else an idea of how I designed it.

I seen the video of your box, I like how you incorporated the extra little compartments for the fans on the outside, if I were you, I would use those compartments to put in a carbon filter to cut down on smell when they got big enough. And what was that you used to hold the door on it, velcro? Nice job man, keep it up. Oh and I should be making a new grow thread here soon, just ordered some BlackJack (feminized) from Nirvana the other day, but I'll probably hold off until I get some more supplies for a more substantial grow setup.


Well-Known Member
These are my clones that are 19 days old. You can tell which one is doing better [on the right in each photo]. The one to the right is the one in my PC Box and the other one is from outside.



shit!?! shes beautiful! for some reason i cant ever get a plant to grow bushy like that..their always tall and skimpy lookin..this is the first plant ive ever got to the flowering stage with tho lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah she's bushy, but she's in such a small place inside that all the fan leaves are cramped. She would more bushier if I left her outside. I got some Nirvana's BlackJack seeds in the mail and just waiting to get all the supplies to build the box and start growing those. I'll definitely let you know when I'll be doing a journal so you can tune in.

On another note, I just gave her some nutes, N-P-K. For Nitrogen, Miracle Grow Organic Choice [money is tight], For Phosphorus, Happy Frog Bat Guano and for Potassium, Muriate of Potash. The Potash was kind of tricky and still hoping everything turns out okay. The bag never states how much fert to water ratio. It says to just mix in the soil and then water. So I went out on a limb and am doing a small amount at first and will slowly up it. Potash - 1/2 tsp:10 cups of water. Start out small. We will see what happens.


Well-Known Member
Well it's been a couple days since I've posted on here. It seems that I've slowed down her spotting on her leaves with the Potash, and big thanks to DirtySnowball on my other thread for helping me figure out exactly how much nutes to use each feeding. Just waiting for her soil to dry some and then I'm going to flush her, because she looks like she has a little nute burn and then the feeding after, I'll hit her with the correct amount of nutes. But she's slowly progressing.



Well-Known Member
Well, on top of the whole nute problem, I now have a spidermite problem. I guess it's good I get everything out of the way on the first run so when I grow my BlackJacks, I'll be better prepared. I mixed up a solution of 50/50 Rubbing Alcohol & Water and some dish washing detergent. I sprayed on the tops of all the leaves and the underside of all leaves. Hopefully that takes care of them. I would've posted pictures of it, but they're just too small for me to take a good photo.


Well, on top of the whole nute problem, I now have a spidermite problem. I guess it's good I get everything out of the way on the first run so when I grow my BlackJacks, I'll be better prepared. I mixed up a solution of 50/50 Rubbing Alcohol & Water and some dish washing detergent. I sprayed on the tops of all the leaves and the underside of all leaves. Hopefully that takes care of them. I would've posted pictures of it, but they're just too small for me to take a good photo.
Good luck with the spidermite problem bro those little fuckers are nasty.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I doused the leaves in the solution I made today as well. I'm going to hit them with it everyday and see if they'll disappear. Where do they come from anyways? She never had them while she was vegging outside and I brought her in to flower and she didn't have them and she just recently got them.