1000 watts for a 15 sq foot room?


I have a room approximately 3' deep x 5' wide x 8' high and i have a 1000watt available to use i was wondering if this is to much light fo a lil room. i plan on having constant air circulating with no more than 6 plants.

what do u guys think please advise thanks...


If you have adequate a/c air flow, then i bet it can work but it will probably stay in the warmer temps... If the airflow doesn't do it for you, put a small stand up a/c unit in there in addition to the airflow. Keep the light up high and use mylar to reflect it down and throughout the space, this should keep it from burning the tops of your plants even if its a little warm in there. You will get a better yeild with a smaller light and adequate temperatures, than with a big light and extremely hot temps... but if you get the airflow and temp correct, then basically that 15sq.ft. room is the same as any grow tent or grow box that can contain a 1000watt. I believe it will yeild like crazy if you dial it in...


PS... i wouldnt use a reflector in this setup unless its aircooled, which would be the best option obviously... otherwise i would free hang the bulb in the top 1/3 of the closet with mylar on the roof and all of the walls all the way down and use the stand up a/c...


Well-Known Member
I disagree with stealthgrow... if you have a means of keeping the room cool, then definitely use the 1000w... it will fatten up those buds big time during flowering. you'll love it!
+1 for using the 1000w. if you have a way to keep the temp down, a 1000w will fill out that room perfectly. A 400 is too small, don't go that route unless you foresee temp problems. The 600 would get it done, but I think the 1000 will produce a higher yield as long as you keep the temps in check. I also think that using a reflector is not a bad idea, especially if you can swing an air cooled hood. Even if you can't I think that a reflector would be a fine idea unless you wanted to try a vert grow, but in your space I think you will find you are lacking the room. I don't see how not using a reflector is better. Just make sure you have great airflow in the space.


Sold you guys sold me on the 1000 watt i think im gonna use it ill keep you guys posted with pics should be up by this weeknd along with my 300 watt veg room...


Well-Known Member
Good call pollux. I agree with antoine, I would also recommend using a reflector/hood. It doesn't have to be a huge hood, just big enough to reflect all the light downward instead of it just bouncing around. Especially if you get a decent little hood with ducting holes on it... hook a duct fan to it and vent that hot exhaust out of the area completely. If you could do that, you'll lower the ambient temperature significantly. Just to give you an idea, I have a 1000w HPS that I was using in a nice glassed hood/reflector with ducting holes... just sitting there by itself, with no fan pulling air through it, the ambient temp about 10" from the bulb was 145F. Hot! I flipped the ducting fan on, and after 60 seconds, the temp had dropped to 90F!!! 55 degree reduction in one minute. The room was also noticably cooler just circulating air past the bulb. Not even exhausting the air from the room. Hope this helps and good luck!

Mr. Bond
i agree with everyone on staying with the 1000, for your situation. fyi for everyone, you can put three, yes, three, 1000's over a 4x8 area just fine as long as you can keep it cool in there: )


Active Member
I agree with Antione, (you can run and tell that, run and tell that) HAAAA,, anyway I have a 400w in a 4x3 cab cooltube with temps around 76-78. Go with the 1000w and vent it my man....