

Well-Known Member
is my last dance with mary jane.

i'm stopping because i need to focus on growing, school, and work.

my life is about to completely change on sunday.

and because whenever i do smoke in august...i'll be sooooo high. it'll kinda be like my first high.


Well-Known Member
1 day left. dno if i ever c myself quitting. momma dint raise nno quitter man!

funny ^^

Yeah i have to smoke soon aswell :D <--- lol... i mean stop ^^

Hope u can do it... I know im allways gona be smoking this stuff man ^^

hehehe yeah if i do stop i will satisfy my needs with growing and selling ^^

* muahahahaha *


New Member
I smoked every day in college and I did fine... I found if I studied stoned and took tests stoned I was fine...


Well-Known Member
hahaha that's so true...because i always do sooo much better in school whenevs i'm high. i took the SAT twice and the second time i took it i was blown and i got a much much better grade then i got the first time when i was sober.

but i am quitting to just regain my ability to get high and stay high and feel real good...you know whenever your body gets used to THC...the THC affects your body differently and you start losing that high feeling that you miss so much.

so really i'm quitting for my own benefits.


Well-Known Member
dude yeah just give me your address where you live and i'll send it via mail...then get arrested.

hahaha, i would though if it wasn't for the getting arrested part.


Well-Known Member
I've found that if i only smoke a couple times on the weekends i can focus more during the week. But since your quitting i wish you the best of luck.


Well-Known Member
So? update? how ya doin?! I gave up at like 1 week cause this premo bud came in from canada and MmmMmmMmm im in heaven!


Well-Known Member
i'm pot free people!! i still have thc in my system and it has been calling my name...but NO! i must be strong.