1,000W HPS, Perpetual Grow Operation


Active Member
The story so far...

I am starting this journal bit late in the game, but I want to post my progress for other farmers to review and comment on.

Currently this is the set up I have...


11 females (had to remove 13 males, 55% male : 45% female ratio)
1,000W HPS light 12 on / 12 off
Fertilizer (for soil system) is carefully measured Fox Farms
(Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom)

Strain X (mystery seeds, I suspect California Orange)
currently 26 days in flowering mode (flowering started 3/12/07)
all things being equal, this crop will finnish flowering on 5/7/07

Now this is a Perpetual Grow Operation, so I am taking clones from the garden with moderate success.

Also, seedlings of (5) AK47 and (5) White-Rhino are just peeking.


Active Member
The crop started vegetating on 2/12/07 and on 2/01/07 they started from seed. I had, originally 24 plants, but as I explained I had to take out 13 of those plants when I noticed they were male.

I wanted to keep the males to breed better genetic qualities, but decided instead to use the male strains of know strains (specifically AK47 and White-Rhino) which are just now developing their two round cotyledons.

Cloning is the problem I am having right now. Because when I started my original crop, which I was unaware of any of the growing properties of the plants I wanted to wait until flowering to pick perfect clones after visually seeing what they would become (female, strong bud producer, etc.). So I am cloning now, while they are flowering, which is not going very well.

Now I have heard that one should clone during the vegetative stage, to avoid putting the plant into shock when cloning during the flowering period. I am suspecting this is why I am having problems propagating my clones.

My new "batch" of premium plants (AK47 and White-Rhino), will vegetate longer and I will start cloning from them before flowering.

I will provide more pictures as I write entries for this log. Anybody who can offer advise on cloning (techniques, products, etc.) I will certainly lend an ear (or eyes) to.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
To find out early what sex plant you have is easy. Just veg the original for about 2 weeks then pull a clone off each plant. Label it and get it rooted about 4-7 days. Take those labeled clone and toss them into 12/12 right away and in 3-6 days each will show if its male or female then just match labels to parent and those female clones came from moms that awill be females.