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  1. Ceelo710

    Should I cut the flush early if I'm getting budrot??

    I'm realizing that haha, found a few needles in the haystack though. Thanks for the straightforward answer, I appreciate it
  2. Ceelo710

    Should I cut the flush early if I'm getting budrot??

    Thanks for all the replies everyone, and as for flushing, this is my first grow with multiple plants, and I'm just following advice I've read. The plant is completely ready, I was just waiting for the flush, so I'll probably chop it after work today.
  3. Ceelo710

    Should I cut the flush early if I'm getting budrot??

    I'm flushing a couple of my plants. One of them is starting to get a little bit of budrot on its huge top cola. The flush has been going on for 6 days, and I've flushed double the pot size worth of water twice Should I chop this plant early or try to finish the flush? I planned on flushing...
  4. Ceelo710

    When is it time to flush autoflowers?

    Actually, I took a picture under the loupe anyway. Looks like things are starting to get pretty amber! Still not sure if it's time to flush or not though lol
  5. Ceelo710

    When is it time to flush autoflowers?

    My plants sprouted around June 5th, and I have three right now. The leaves on two of them are starting to change colors, and they're starting to look ready to me, but this is my first grow so idk. Since I'm coming to 9 weeks in, and these are advertised as 8-9 week strains, should be ready to...
  6. Ceelo710

    What shaped webs do spidermites form?

    It totally helped lighten the mood after a hard day at work lol
  7. Ceelo710

    What shaped webs do spidermites form?

    Awesome, thank you! Didn't know that they're always hopping ship like that, that's interesting. I'll definitely have a better idea of what to look out for now.
  8. Ceelo710

    What shaped webs do spidermites form?

    Thank you for confirming this, I've been keeping an eye on the bottoms of my leaves since day 1, I just got paranoid seeing a web on one of my girls! 10x scarier not knowing if it's spidermites or not lol.
  9. Ceelo710

    What shaped webs do spidermites form?

    So I was in my garden and noticed literally a circular web in between the fingers of a large fan leaf. There was a single tiny spider in the middle that looked big to be a spider mite. I didn't have my phone in my pocket, and was afraid that if I left to get it, the spider would move and I'd...
  10. Ceelo710

    What's wrong with my plants?

    The other plant is recovering after more calmag, it was too late to save the other, though :( Harvested 97 grams wet off the autoflower real early, doesn't look like terrible bud though. Will post pics after drying lol.
  11. Ceelo710

    What's wrong with my plants?

    Yes, I've been using advanced nutrients calmag. And they're planted in foxfarm ocean forest soil. Maybe I haven't been giving them enough calmag? Today I fed approx. 1.5ml per plant. Last time I fed calmag was a little over a week ago. Thanks for your reply!
  12. Ceelo710

    What's wrong with my plants?

    i have 4 outdoor autoflowers, two are looking healthy but two are turning white, curling up and dying. Can anyone please tell me what's going on here? Am I going to have to chop these two early?
  13. Ceelo710

    Are these spider mites?

    ???? Well is there a way to delete a thread? This is no longer a problem therefore we don't need to be discussing it in this thread. Thanks.
  14. Ceelo710

    Are these spider mites?

    I'm sorry, what? This was a while ago before preventitive measures were in place for pest control, and I was more worried. I think it was just poop from an aphid or something. I've gotten a jewelers loupe since this post and can't see any mites, though if I don't treat my plants for several days...
  15. Ceelo710

    Are these spider mites?

    I noticed black spots under a lead on one of my outdoor plants. I snipped the leaf and took some pictures with a macro lense. The black dots aren't moving, I've stared for a while. I also treated with neem oil last night and a few days prior, so I'm thinking it could be dead mites. I also just...