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  1. mclarsen

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    One of them i obviously topped, and the other two turned out to be hermies but i just ripped off the males as they came. Unfortunatley i didnt catch all of them fast enough and they pollinated the crop, but the buds are still looking good
  2. mclarsen

    My first grow

    ANy comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated?
  3. mclarsen


    Grand Rapids, MI- I wish i would have been at that concert
  4. mclarsen

    My first grow

    and i also just discovered that i have been feeding them two times as much fertiliser. FUCK!!! Ive been using open seaseme and the directions say 1/2-1 teaspoon every other watering. Unfortunately the makers from fo farm decide to give you 1 TABLESPOON in the fertiliser, and not 1 teaspoon.
  5. mclarsen

    My first grow

    hi, sorrry i havent been updating this too much but here are my three last standing babies. They are looking and smelling real nice. Any ideas/comments/suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
  6. mclarsen

    My first grow

    sorry its been so long, but heres the update, out of my 9 plants i had going in the end, oonly 3 turned out to be female. I made some butter with the other 6 plants, ate the whole batch and was put to sleep by the batch. My plants have been in 12/12 for about 2 weeks, and the buds are just...
  7. mclarsen

    My first grow

    does anyone have any fertiliser suggestions
  8. mclarsen

    My first grow

    any suggestions?, how are they looking
  9. mclarsen

    My first grow

    OK sorry it took so long to update, but i havent been home since december 18th, and my plants were cared for about once ever week during that time. 6 of them died due to me trying to top them and mostly because the light was much too close and the room only had the one small fan running so it...
  10. mclarsen

    My first grow

    HOly shit lastnight was crasy, had a little fungi adventure. At one point i was sitting and watching my plants grow for about an hour...IT WAS AWESOME. It just made me reasure myself about life and why i was growing and really realise how awsome the whole process is. Any ways, idk about the...
  11. mclarsen

    My first grow

    YESSS!!!!! Somehow i obtained some money for a light somehow and i just picked up a 400 w HPS i am pumped i just got it hooked up and transplanted most of the plants, i ran out of pots but will do the rest later today
  12. mclarsen

    My first grow

    I got another bulb and it looks like my plants are doing well, but any suggestions
  13. mclarsen

    My first grow

    Well, i finally got around to transplanting them, and i got 2 new CFL bulbs but one of them didnt work when i got it home, which was a little annoying. They are both 26 watt spiraled kind. You can tell the difference between one of the plants that i have and all the rest of them, the lower...
  14. mclarsen

    My first grow

    fuck my roomate while i was gone let the light drop onto my babies breaking the stems on three of the liittle guys :( im trying to revive them by supporting them with a straw cut vertically, hopefully tommarow they look a little more sturday ill get some more pics then
  15. mclarsen

    My first grow

    idk though i was only going to have one room because of my time issues and moving out, but i think that if i stay long enough ill tent that bench area off
  16. mclarsen

    My first grow

    just one room for both
  17. mclarsen

    My first grow

    any suggestions?
  18. mclarsen

    My first grow

    the light is always no higher than 3 in away from the plants, i put spacers in between the bulbs for better light distribution, and i have been watering them just about every other day, but more when it feel like the soil needs it. i have a fan blowing on them, and the temp is about 65 degrees...
  19. mclarsen

    My first grow

    does anyone have a good idea on when to transplant, i want to keep them semi-short so i was thinking 8-10"?
  20. mclarsen

    My first grow

    So this is my first time growing, i am a broke college student and this is about the only thing i can afford at the moment. My babies are about 3 weeks into vegetation stage, some of them about a week ahead of others. All plants are chronic. Probably 7 different kinds. I know that 2 of them...