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  1. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    Hi Guys quick up date, i cut back on the nutrients dropped the enzymes completely and noticed a massive difference i had them at 800ppm with h202, the last 2 weeks i up'd the nutes to 1000ppm and took away the h202 but over the past week I,ve noticed a problem starting again. Leaf drop and...
  2. C

    Nutrients and Supplement's Dwc & Genral Advice

    so in theory i could just cut back to Aqua flakes A&b silica (urtica) & hydroguard (preferred) or pool shock not using cal/mag as running tap water but have some just incase.
  3. C

    Nutrients and Supplement's Dwc & Genral Advice

    i was going to run a test and see how they get on empty i may need to get 2 more probes and run 2 to each tote already noted about the additives rkymtnman, that was my problem this time, thats why im asking this time i want to keep it as basic as i can. want to get it right this time.
  4. C

    Nutrients and Supplement's Dwc & Genral Advice

    if anyone could help direct me to what stages of the cycle i need to run these nutrients, that would be great. sorry for all the questions i have just had a really bad first run and would like to iron these problems out next time.
  5. C

    Nutrients and Supplement's Dwc & Genral Advice

    Will net pot size determine the size of the finishing plant ?
  6. C

    Nutrients and Supplement's Dwc & Genral Advice

    Hi Everybody Looking for some advice on Dwc nutrients and supplements, this time round i have had a few problems but seem to have it under control now thanks to members. Next time round i have decided to change my buckets to totes 57ltr so assuming that will give a res of around 40ltr...
  7. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    i will try this hberg thank you very much for the info just to make sure when i do this i need + hydroguard, + Ewc + Molasses brew for 48 hrs and add to my res solution of A+B Only No root excel at all, and try and lower the temps to a maximum of 18c minimum of 15c
  8. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    cheers guys, Hberg do you or anyone have a link to the tea receipe and the procedure please? whats ewc ? Thanks
  9. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    I thought that Airwalker i dont know if its worth investing more into this system put so much in already to get going.may just stay in soil one of my soil one's must be 3 foot tall and loving life less hassle but slow, the other one is topped and LST as an experiment.
  10. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    plant 2 not looking good although new growth has started
  11. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    Plant 1 no smell in res
  12. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    Evening guys Ok so i changed out nutes sunday and the girls are currently at 440 ppm And ph'd to 5.5, i have Aqua flakes A + B and root excelurator in the res now With 12ml of 12% H202 (oxyplus) there is new root growth exploding out the bottom of the net pots and the brown effected areas seem...
  13. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    and that will run 2 plants fine cantbuy
  14. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    ok guys i have my air pump strapped to the the ceiling of the tent should i put this outside now. i think i will try insulating these for the time being and order a tote and ice probes could you guys give me an idea of what i will need to run a 2 plant tote tote size, ice probe size how...
  15. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    I really want to get this dialled in it seems like a really good system, growth is twice as big and twice as fast as the ones i have in soil it takes up less room and its silent
  16. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    cheers for the info corey would bubble wrap and white sheets wrapped around work and get a desk fan down there.
  17. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    Morning everybody ok so opened up the lids today and yeah covered in brown again i have washed the roots again in h2o2 (oxyplus 12% 40ml- 5L cleaned the stones and soaked the air stones and airlines in the solution and washed roots with same strength solution. refreshed the nutes only using...
  18. C

    Newbie Dwc Problems !!!

    thanks for the info guys really appreciate it