I will have to test the soil run off. I do have gnat issues in this room at the moment and have started treating for that. These were recently repotted (3 months ago) with fox farms soil. Root bound could be an issue as I believe the affected plants are all in plastic pots.
I use GH Flora...
It's highly doubtful it's pH related. These plants have been healthy and growing well and nothing has changed in the nutrient or watering schedule. Nutrients are prepared weekly and premixed in a 55 gallon drum, ph balanced to 6.2 and aerated. Parents are watered with either straight...
These were healthy parent plants until about a month ago when they started browning and dying off. I large trim back worked well and they came back healthy until the last 2 days when signs of browning started showing up again.
Dirt Grown
Bi-Daily watering with nutrients
Indoor grow
Veg under...