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  1. E

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    Does anyone has data about the cxb3590 36v in the range of 0.25A to 0.5A ? factor and vf ?
  2. E

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    did you use the same led setup for veg? did you dim it to 50% ?
  3. E

    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    its about the possibility.if it can be done? buying 5 cobs and have 1 light for vegi with a high 450nm,changing the one cob and get a flower light. 5 cobs are cheaper then 8. the possibility to shift the blue:red ratio in that case is what im intressed in.(especially in that <60% effi. range)...
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    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    a 3590 at 1.4A has 60% effency for a fair price at cutter. if i buy those single leds i think i have more to work and more to pay for less effency. just wanna know if this could work? buying 4 for 1 only blue for vegi. 5 led would be cheaper then a set of only vegi and only...
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    Why do some guys wats to still use mono led with cobs?

    i hope you have some good answers for my questions. Can we remove the phosphor from our led? If we can, how does it effects the effency. is it an 450nm emmiter then ? Does it change the PPF? i think this could be interesting for a 3000k 4xCXB flower only setup. just replace 1 COB, dimm it to...
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    The far red thread

    how much watt of far red do you suggest for a 0.15m2 carbine. (60watt led 3590 setup)
  7. E

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    I got a mq135 sensor from a friend. (the mq811 should be better) Already added to the breadboard and calibrated agains 398 ppm. The arduino also controls the power(start/shutdown) of my Leds and flooding timmer with a relayboard. Im looking for an effective 730nm cob that i can add to the...
  8. E

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    I would add co2 to the room where the box stands. The box doesnt transfer the air to the outside. It just filter it from the box and release it back to the room. The room was flashed with new air. I will not add too much co2. I am aiming for a constant ppm of 1000 at the room. I need to find a...
  9. E

    COB efficiency Spreadsheets

    hi to all, i found much nice info on this place. So thank you for all that work you have done. Im over my 4th led indoor grow at the moment,im doing mini grows and im downsizing everything atm. My newest box is only 0.144m2 and only 0.6m tall. Im using 4 "old" leds in that project. 2x...