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  1. Mash30

    CFL lighting setup HELP?

    My space is a home build.its like a big coffin!! a tripple cheese at 3ish weeks old.looking foward to this as its only my 2nd grow.
  2. Mash30

    CFL lighting setup HELP?

    hi,just seen your posts.ive just finished my first grow of 2 kera dwarfs.was not expectimg much.i used 3 135w cfls and got an oz dry off each.if your only doing one or two plants,jump on ebay.u can find big bulbs for in the photography section instead of grow lights.u will be amazed...
  3. Mash30

    Can't decide when to harvest/start-flushing; cloudy trichomes, but 90% white pistils

    Just chopped 2 kera dwarfs,first grow.300w cfl.came out ok i think.9 weeks from germ to chop.
  4. Mash30

    Bad to remove fan leaves a week before harvest?

    Woodys in a shit mood.only asked a question n he starts calling people retards!
  5. Mash30

    Bad to remove fan leaves a week before harvest?

    Ive just trimmed mine so will tell u in a week or two.
  6. Mash30

    Can't decide when to harvest/start-flushing; cloudy trichomes, but 90% white pistils

    Soz to jump just getting ready for my first harvest and am still unsure how long to leave it as i have no yellow leaves at some strains just not yellow?
  7. Mash30

    kerra auto dwarf

    Got some nice buds on mine.frosty as f#%k.
  8. Mash30


  9. Mash30

    Im day 60(i think) of dwarf auto.smells long did u leave yours?

    Im day 60(i think) of dwarf auto.smells long did u leave yours?