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  1. Teris


    Welcome to RIU. Have a good time here.
  2. Teris

    Yellow leaves

    The left plant looks very well and right plant has a bit yellow leaves I think it is calmag deficiency.
  3. Teris

    A little peak at my garden

    Congrats with winning. They look amazing. Nice work.:clap:
  4. Teris

    Brown and orange spots(Gsc first grow)

    Good advice is add more calmag into your next feeding.
  5. Teris

    Yellowing, dying leaves week 5 flowering

    Hi, yes I think it is nitrogen def. Try to give more.
  6. Teris

    Whats going on with the top of this bud?

    I only see the slightly yellowed leaves.
  7. Teris

    is this weed moldy ?

    Really hard to figure out on that picture moldy is it or not. The best way is smelling it.
  8. Teris

    How soon can mothers regrow?

    I guess in the middle of flowering stage.
  9. Teris

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    AK-47 looks amazing! :weed: