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  1. C

    HELP Week 7 of Flower..Potassium def???

    Thanks, you can check out those details in this thread over on the Organics section:
  2. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    Gotcha... Damn, Well hopefully she will live out the next 2 weeks without too much damage to her flowers.
  3. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    I've been adding nitrogen in the form of teas and top dressed with 40lbs of earthworm castings since she was planted. And I can't remember off the top of my head why the Epsom salts work for weeds; I just know if you add 2 cups per gallon and spray LIBERALLY on the leaves it kills them...
  4. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    I gave her a little epsom in a tea 2 weeks ago, is it too soon to add more? I use an Epsom/water solution as an organic weed killer.... Dont wanna accidentally OD her on that shit hahahah
  5. C

    HELP Week 7 of Flower..Potassium def???

    *bump to stay on page 1
  6. C

    HELP Week 7 of Flower..Potassium def???

    Kosher Kush week 7 of flower in a water only homemade super soil. Potassium deficiency?? Really don't wanna loose her this late in the game; any suggestions?
  7. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    UPDATE: Week 7 of Flower; Potassium deficiency?? Help!
  8. C

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Update on the Kosher Kush: she's too big to fit in the camera frame unless I get on a ladder from a ways back... so you'll have to settle for a macro of one of her flowers. 5-6weeks into flower, California medical ORGANIC outdoor :-)
  9. C

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Up to you man but I personally leave them until they: A) dry up and become crunchy. or B) they start growing again. What do you have to loose by letting her stay there a few more days?
  10. C

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Kosher Kush is getting frosty at 3-4 weeks in! Glad I cloned her early and I think I'm going to pollinate a branch with her male sibling :-)
  11. C

    2,500 plants!

    I have some raspberry kush that grows similar and throws purple like the strain on question above. I'll see if I can dig up some old pics. Grow is looking good Sasquatch!
  12. C

    outdoor grow (yeild??????)///// russet mites solved !!!!

    I'm no expert but I've got a couple years under my belt in the southern half of Cali (215 patient) Those girls should be much larger by now; are you guys growing in the native soil?
  13. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    Yea it does; the native soil is Sandy/clay. I'm 215 in cali too; but I'm in the southern half. She flipped when the days started getting shorter a few weeks ago. I'm honestly pretty happy she flipped early since their forcasting a pretty wet and humid fall for us :-/
  14. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    Definitely reason enough; is as just curious if there was more to it. I top dressed with pure worm castings and kelpmeal at first sign of flower a few weeks back. As for container size; she's in the ground and the hole was roughly 3'x4'. Soil is 50% Super Soil and 50% FFOF cut with clean coco...
  15. C

    Open Show and Tell 2015!

    Here's a Kosher Kush 2-3 weeks into flower outdoor. Super soil, FFOF and a couple supplemental feedings so far.
  16. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    Thanks, I have been adding kelp to my tea because I read a couple similar statements during my research. Why be careful with high P fert? Is there a reason other than lockout or nute burn?
  17. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    Update: I added some high P organic nutes and a light dose of a well rounded tea. The purple/red dissappeared and she bushed out BIGTIME. She's now 2-3 weeks into flower and looking good!
  18. C

    beneficial biologics true blooms

    As the title suggests I received a sample of this stuff the other day and I'm having a hard time finding any first hand knowledge on it. Have any of you used it? If so what application method a did you use? Would you use it again; do you still use it?? Thanks for taking the time to respond...
  19. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    UPDATE: Well here's the results of my Thrip sticky trap..(blue picture).. For those of you fortunate enough to have never seen a Thrip; the majority of the little specks are Thrips (I checked under my 120x scope). I have a feeling they are playing a part in this weirdness... Also, I found out...
  20. C

    Screwed up my batch of Super Soil...Help

    I already added it to the soil so I was just telling the individual that information. I'm going to take your advise, leave her alone and sleep well tonight.