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  1. B

    What size room should I build for 8 girls?

    Going to be purchasing some wood from Home Depot tomorrow. Had it priced tonight. What would you all prefer/suggest for 8 girls? I'm building a basic room just like a grow tent, the available space I have total to build on is 8x8x8.
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    What do you know about this LED brand?

    Maybe I should have mentioned I will only be using it for vegging (4 to 6 weeks of vegging clones) then throw em under a 1000w HPS. So I totally left out a huge piece of info. What I really want to know is if this panel will VEG 6 girls as good as a 600/1000w MH. Hell, maybe the answer is still...
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    What do you know about this LED brand?

    I'm looking to buy: Mars Ⅱ 400W Led Grow Light Veg Flowering Hydroponic 5W High Power 9Band Lamp Will this veg 6 girls just as good as a 600 or 1000w MH? Trying to save energy with as much yield of course.
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    LED vs T5 vs MH

    How many girls are you throwing under that T5 system & with what results?
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    LED vs T5 vs MH

    I'll use the T5's I think. Reliable, energy-efficient, history to back it up, safe. How many bulbs are recommended for 6-plants? I'm thinking I'll go 8, but if I can get away with 6 comforatably, I may do that to save some cash. But if we're looking at a significant yield difference (Hell, even...
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    LED vs T5 vs MH

    I'll be using the 1000w HPS for flowering, if I have T5's/LED I may run it dual with the HPS. I obviously can't if I go with the MH as it uses the same ballast/hood. Other then that & the energy use, I'm leaning towards the LED/T5 which is what I was hoping to get in response to persuade me...
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    LED vs T5 vs MH

    WHAT I WANT TO KNOW? I feel as if I have everything I need to start! The only thing I'm missing is the Veg-lights. I'm spending $150.00 max for the lights. I'll be starting from seed. Which of the 3 would you choose for vegging? *360w LED system (3w per bulb) 10-band system. *8-bulb T5 system...
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    Are LED Aquarium lights usable?

    I posted a link to it in the OP. It's mainly blue with white. It has 3w LED's, which I've heard is better then the puny 1w (which is what I think you linked me?). I know other factors placy into a good LED panel, that's just one thing I've heard. It's claiming to pump out 120w of LED power as...
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    Are LED Aquarium lights usable?

    I was looking at this one. Would it work for vegging 6 clones?
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    LED for veg?

    Any recommendations. I know LED grows are still relatively fresh among the Cannbis growing community & even frowned upon in others. However, I am debating between T5's & LED's. If I go with LED, I don't want any/or overpowering reds. The cheapest T5's I can find are $80.00 for a 4'ft 4-tube set...
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    Is this a good deal?

    Only using to veg, then 1000w HPS for flower. Ps, that's an awesome photo/setup! Beautiful.
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    Is this a good deal?

    I've been persuaded to T5's. Would this be a good deal?
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    Cloning under MH or...

    I've just heard experiences of hanging the MH 3ft' above the clones & it works well apparently? Idk. Which is why I'm asking I suppose. Additionally, if I were to get the 2-3 CFL's, how long do they stay under those before I present a MH to them? Are they ever presented with the MH? Thanks!
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    Cloning under MH or...

    I'm thinking of purchasing these exact clones. Would I veg under a MH? If so, how many weeks before switching to HPS? I've heard you don't use MH when messing with clones... I have a 1000w MH/HPS but no other lights, shall I purchase T5's, etc? Thank ya ma buds!
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    Starving Plants VS "Other"?

    Very much appreciated Growen/Danks. Short, simple thread, only took a few short responses, but I think it was enough. Will def. be following advice given, much thanks!
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    Starving Plants VS "Other"?

    Opinions? I've heard starving your girls for a week or so before pulling can be beneficial to the final product. At the same time, I've heard stressing your girls is "pointless" & almost cruel to the plant, flushing is fine. What methods have you guys played around with & with what results...
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    Thank you to the others who actually added insight. I was already leaning towards clone, but now, I feel confident in my choice. Thank you again, all, very much, very much appreciated.
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    Not about manning up. Most people say a good grow, is a well-planned grow. I want to do as much research, get as many opinions from different levels of growers & grows themselves. Rushing a grow, especially for someone with little/no experience like myself, is usually frowned upon in this...
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    Opinions? I feel as if clones are like steroids for growers. I see a bunch of pro's going clones vs seeds. However, I know many people prefer &/or swear by seeds. I would like to know experiences/preferences/etc. & why? I'll be beginning my 3rd grow (which I consider my 1st real grow) due to...