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  1. Twistinmymellowman

    Don't seem to real know the difference in Indica and Sativa

    I've gone all indica, in the last year of buying street weed smoking and growing I only truly know the difference this week between indica and sativa, I mean I knew the differences, but I guess high or stoned its hard to think and differentiate all that shit. Sativa Dom first lot strawberry...
  2. Twistinmymellowman

    1st grow

    Looks good only my 2nd grow start 3rd shortly, know for a fact though , no matter what state my plants looke like throughout the grow, and sometimes look at deaths door n shit, they always soldier on and pay me back in happiness for all that lecccy bills..:)
  3. Twistinmymellowman

    World of Seeds?

    Might have to try this madness, luv a bid of madness after all.. Lol, how long is that strain from pop to finished ? If it's better than kush Ryder I might I might be scared to smoke it :)
  4. Twistinmymellowman

    The dumbest shit you have ever done-Let's hear about it!

    Walked home at dusk, some how I'm now looking at the sky thinking looks like morning sun will be up soon, people are out in their gardens cutting lawns etc etc, I'm now thinking feckin hell they get up doing shit pretty early down this road etf. so I'm walking home saying good morning to...
  5. Twistinmymellowman

    World of Seeds?

    Kush Ryder, potent little bastard at even 55 days from seed. Puts me on my ass, but more used to buying sativa doms round here
  6. Twistinmymellowman

    What's with all the hate on autos..Let's compare.

    Afghan kush ryder what a kick in the bollox if your not used to indicas. 55 days from seed and stronger than the shit I buy on the street. How can u hate that
  7. Twistinmymellowman

    Jimmer's Auto Adventure!

    That kush ryder will put you on ya ass at 55 60 days if your not used to indica domes like myself, shit wants expecting results like that