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  1. herBxLife

    Sensi Star and White Russian

    hey man those look like their stretching quite a bit I'd definitely lower those lights as close as possible without burning the plants or you'll run into issues down the line when they start to pack on weight the main stem might not be able to handle it
  2. herBxLife

    First Indoor hydro grow... opinions needed on when to chop

    Actually i kind of jumped the gun on that flush comment and was planning on starting the flush today but I'll hold off for a few more days if you guys think so. Thanks again for the valuable input to all who have responded...its much appreciated. Definitely making hash for sure. Just saw...
  3. herBxLife

    First Indoor hydro grow... opinions needed on when to chop

    thanks man appreciate the advice. I actually bought one of those 60-100x microscope/mag glass from radio shack the other day but it seems almost impossible to keep it steady... it almost seems to powerful. Think im going to return it for a weaker one.
  4. herBxLife

    First Indoor hydro grow... opinions needed on when to chop

    Ok so first time poster, looong time listener, or, reader in this case nearing the end of my first ever hydro bagseed grow. I desperatly need advice on when I can chop these ladies down. Brief background of what i'm workin with: - 400w mh for vegg and 400w hps for flower with some supplemental...